4 Things You Should Never Do To Your Ears

Respecting the health of your ears is something you have to keep in mind to avoid problems tomorrow. Learn what things to avoid doing.

The ears are, perhaps, one of the parts of the body that receives the least attention. However, they also suffer from bad habits. Do you know what are the things you should never do to your ears?

Have you analyzed what care they should receive after a day in the pool? Have you calculated correctly how many hours you have the hearing aids on to listen to music at maximum volume? Do you overclean your ears with swabs or cotton buds? Perhaps, now that you have read these questions, you have discovered that you are damaging these sensitive organs. Pay attention.  

Things not to do to their ears

Do you want to know how you can improve the cleaning and care of your ears? If so, read on to find out the things that are best avoided to keep them in perfect condition. Take note!

1. Use cotton swabs to remove wax 

To begin with, we present one of the most common mistakes: using cotton buds to clean the ears. This so-called hygiene method has been poorly encouraged (with the best of intentions, but without the correct information). A) Yes Combined with the notoriety that wax is synonymous with dirt, a myth has been created that harms hearing health.

The reality is that, as an article published by the United States National Library of Medicine explains,  cerumen is secreted by the ear and has antibacterial properties. In addition, it serves as a lubricant; so having wax is actually a sign of good health.

In this line, using swabs is one of the things that you should not do to clean them; as it can cause itching and irritation. The swab pushes more wax than it removes and, over time, a plug is created that affects hearing ability. This accumulated wax damages the ear and, s If it is compacted enough, you would have to go to the doctor to remove it.

What to do to maintain your hygiene?

  • You may have been using swabs since you were little; so stopping them can be tricky.
  • However, e In case you feel they are dirty, use a soft towel to remove excess wax.

2. Listen to music with excess volume, one of the things you should not do to the ears

Have you ever been told: “turn down the volume of the music that you are going to go deaf”?  Well, this warning is not wrong. And is that using headphones to listen to music at a high volume deteriorates the auditory system.

Hearing loss or impairment occurs when hair cells inside the ear, which convert sound waves into electrical signals, become damaged or deteriorated. Although e This happens naturally due to the passage of time and age, an article published by the McGuill Journal of Medicine certifies that customs related to excess noise are also involved in its development: staying in concerts, discotheques, or wearing of personal music players.

In this way, one of the things you should avoid is putting on headphones with loud music. But … How do you know if the volume is damaging your ears? Ask those around if they can hear the music. If the answer is yes, you are putting your ears at risk.

We recommend that you follow the 60:60 rule. In other words, do not exceed 60% of the maximum volume and listen to music with headphones for a maximum of 60 minutes per day.

3. Use “ear candles”

In recent years, different methods have appeared without scientific evidence to maintain beauty and hygiene. This also happens with the famous “ear candles”, ” candles otic ”or the so-called“ auricular igneotherapy ”.

These devices work by inserting one end of this “candle” into the ear and lighting the other end. So, in theory, the earwax is absorbed into a tube inside the candle.

The problem? The residue that ends up inside the candle has nothing to do with the ears, but is the natural residue from the candle itself. This means that you will be introducing external components to the ear that can cause an infection, as evidenced by a survey carried out in 2007 by members of the Northwest Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.

4. Dry ear is synonymous with healthy ears

When you swim in the pool or on the beach, you may just remember to shower afterwards to remove the salt or chlorine. However, d You must pay the same attention to the ears; since it is there where bacteria can lodge that, having a humid environment, grow fast and cause painful infections.  

Thus, when you go to the pool , remember to wash the ears on the outside and then dry them well with a cloth towel . You can even use some special drops that will help you eliminate any bacteria that are in them.

Do you do any of the things you shouldn’t do to their ears?

And you? Do you take into account any of the aforementioned issues? It is important that you learn to take care of yourself also for tomorrow without having any complications. Also, remember that if you have any questions, if you are beginning to have hearing problems or if your ears feel dirty, it is best to visit the doctor.  

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