How To Make Cherry Gazpacho

The traditional gazpacho is one of the best known recipes and is usually common at the table. In recent years, ingredients have been added to the original formula, such as this cherry gazpacho.  

These fruits add a touch of accentuated sweetness and are a good way to incorporate them into your daily menu. In this case, they provide an extra dose of vitamin C, antioxidants and other anti-inflammatory polyphenols. So go ahead and try it with these two inexpensive and easy-to-prepare versions.

Cherry gazpacho recipe

When it comes to looking for a quick and easy recipe, gazpacho is one of the best options. In its beginnings, it only had crumbled bread, oil and vinegar among its ingredients. It was one of the usual meals of the Iberian peasants.

Later, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers are incorporated, three foods deeply rooted in Spanish cuisine for centuries. Today the combinations and variants are numerous, being one of the booming dishes of this region.  

Preparing it at home is very simple, as it is only necessary to wash and cut the ingredients and grind them with the help of a blender. The texture and the final flavor will depend on the particular taste of the consumers.

A good example of this is this cherry gazpacho; one of the most original, colorful and tasty variants of the many that can be prepared.

Cherries to prepare gazpacho.

Ingredients needed

  • 500 grams of cherries.  
  • 1 kilo and 1/2 of ripe tomatoes.
  • 1/2 red pepper and 1/2 green pepper.
  • 1 small garlic.
  • 1 or 2 slices of bread.
  • 200 milliliters of extra virgin olive oil.
  • 1 spring onion.
  • 100 milliliters of apple cider vinegar.
  • Salt.
  • Cumin.
  • Water.

Steps to follow in the preparation of cherry gazpacho

  • You must first prepare all the ingredients. Wash and remove the pepitas from the pepper and cut into pieces. Peel and cut the chives and garlic. You can remove the core in order to make it taste less strong. Then remove the pits from the cherries and wash the tomatoes.
  • Put these ingredients in a blender glass or food processor. Then add the rest: bread, oil, vinegar and water. Then season to taste with salt and cumin.  
  • Blend everything until well mixed.  
  • Then it is necessary to pass through a strainer and remove the seeds of the tomato or some skins. Also, it is time to rectify the texture by adding more water. Also correct the taste with salt and cumin.  
  • Pour into a jug or individual glasses and keep in the fridge.  

You can add a few pieces of whole pitted cherries, a little chopped pepper or some fresh basil leaves as a garnish. Before serving, decorate with a drizzle of olive oil.

More options: cherry gazpacho with cheese and anchovies

This version incorporates two ingredients that combine very well with tomato, but are not at all common in gazpacho recipes. Without a doubt, a dish to surprise everyone.

Ingredients to prepare 6 servings

  • 500 grams of large pear tomatoes.
  • 1 can of anchovies.
  • 1 jar of cream cheese.
  • 250 grams of cherries.
  • Raspberry vinegar.
  • 1/2 cucumber.
  • 1 clove garlic.
  • 1/2 Italian green pepper.
  • 100 grams of stale loaf bread.
  • 1 glass of water.
  • 1/2 glass of extra virgin olive oil.
  • Salt.

Steps to follow for its preparation

  • First it is necessary to wash the cherries well and remove the pit. Then clean and prepare the rest of the vegetables : tomato, cucumber and green pepper.
  • Then put all the ingredients, except the oil and vinegar, in the blender glass. Blend well so that it is like a puree.  
  • Pass this mixture through a very fine strainer while removing the seeds and skins that may have remained. Then, put it back in the blender. Now is the time to add the oil and salt and beat with small touches, since it is only necessary to emulsify everything.
  • Add the vinegar.  
  • Store in the refrigerator until ready to consume. It is now when the anchovies and cheese are added. To assemble the dish, prepare some cheese quenelles (with the help of two spoons) and place an anchovy on top of each one. Put two or three in the bottom of the plate and add the gazpacho on top.  

The best way to eat it is to mix a little of all the ingredients in each bite. In this way, it is possible to notice the flavor of the ingredients and the fantastic contrast of the mixture.

Anchovies for the cherry gazpacho.

Cherry gazpacho to help fight high blood pressure?

When preparing gazpacho, it must be borne in mind that the quantities of the ingredients are a bit indicative, since everyone has their ideal point.

It is considered to serve as a first course. It is a smooth, digestive and refreshing option, especially in the summer months. But it can also be presented as a small starter.  

To do this it is possible to use individual glasses or deep plates. The latter are perfect if you also want to accompany it with some solid ingredients, such as cheese and anchovies. In summer, clay bowls are perfect, as they keep cool for a longer time.  

It keeps well in the refrigerator, but not more than five days after preparation. It is preferable to pack it in a closed jar to avoid contamination of the smell of other foods.

The consumption of gazpacho is recommended. It is yet another way to eat the amount of vegetables that experts recommend taking daily. Its ingredients are abundant in vitamin C, provitamin A and various minerals.

To this must be added the findings of the PREDIMED study, according to which the consumption of gazpacho is inversely related to lower blood pressure and the prevalence of hypertension in people with cardiovascular risk. All the more reasons to make this dish a regular on the diet.

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