3 Recommendations To Start Physical Activity

Starting to exercise regularly is one of the best decisions a person can make for their well-being. What should you keep in mind if you are a beginner in this world?

The instinct of the human being leads him to find a way to survive day after day. However, the evolution of the world brings with it various problems, such as sedentary lifestyle and the consumption of ultra-processed foods, which hinder this objective. Despite this, there are several alternatives to improve the quality of life, and one of them is physical activity.

Now, if you are a person who has not exercised regularly in the past, starting out like this is likely to cause injuries or discomfort that will undermine your motivation. Therefore, it is recommended that the first step in the world of fitness be conscientiously and with due planning.

What is the physics activity?

Physical activity is an excellent tool to improve the lives of human beings. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), any body movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure is considered physical activity.

Another WHO publication states that inactivity is one of the world’s leading causes of death. According to this entity, non-communicable diseases related to sedentary lifestyle are the main public health problem in many countries of the world.

More reasons to practice it

Physical activity not only increases the life expectancy of man, but is considered a lifestyle. In fact, many people today see it as a way of life.

For example, through physical activity new acquaintances are made and other types of customs are adopted; probably the most influential of all is food.

The main reasons to start practicing physical activity revolve around conservation of vitality. Here are some of the main ones highlighted in a Merck Manual publication:

  • Accelerate the burning of calories.
  • Provides energy to the body.
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  • Prevents stress, anxiety and bad mood.
  • Avoid lethargy and boost energy levels.
  • Improves physical capabilities: strength, endurance, speed, elasticity, among others.

How to start physical activity?

Everything has a beginning and, when they are positive things for life, it is more worth trying. This happens with physical activity, which requires certain care for those who are beginners:

1. Consider the situation

Doctor talking to patient in the preoperative period.

Everyone can do physical activity, but it is necessary to consider the situation in which each individual finds himself. The first thing will be to evaluate the medical condition ; for example, if you suffer from diseases such as asthma or arthritis, which require more careful attention and, sometimes, personalized routines.

Based on the above, it is advisable to go to a doctor and a professional in the field of physical activity in order to approach a program according to these conditions.

2. Regulate activity time

The organism is not yet adapted to the rhythm of physical activity; For this reason, the ideal is to go step by step, and time is a determining factor in this matter. First, looking for a free space on the schedule is essential; Make sure you find a time that is comfortable for you and that motivates you to get into the exercise habit.

On the other hand, to carry out an adequate adaptation process, you must regulate the time of physical activity. It is best to start with 2 or 3 times a week, in sessions of a maximum of 30 minutes and a minimum of 20 minutes.

With the passing of the weeks, the times must be increased, to avoid that the body gets used to the same stimuli and that they stop being effective. However, do it carefully and patiently, as overexertion can lead to an injury that completely slows your progress.

3. Warm up before and stretch after physical activity

Prior to each training routine or the practice of any sports discipline, muscle activation is necessary. According to a publication of the Mayo Clinic site, its relevance lies in increasing blood circulation to the muscles, in addition to producing greater activation of the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, it is advisable to do a warm-up work lasting between 5 and 10 minutes before starting the activity. According to the aforementioned article, the best way to do it is with slow movements, mainly of those muscle groups that will be most demanded in the subsequent session.

In the same way, at the end of the training, you should dedicate 5 to 10 minutes to do not very strong stretches. The purpose of stretching is to prevent certain muscle injuries and decrease post-exercise pain, according to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine .

What physical activity to do?

Based on the concept exposed by the WHO, any activity can be adequate, as long as it requires physical effort. Keep in mind that there are some that may not be positive if you suffer from any physical or health condition; in this case, consult your trusted doctor.

However, it is best for each person to choose an entertaining and motivating discipline, so that lack of desire and boredom are not an impediment in the medium or long term. Some popular alternatives are cycling, dancing, swimming, and track, but there are so many more!

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