12 Reasons Why Cucumber Should Not Be Missing From Your Diet

Plant-based foods are sources of various nutrients that, in general, help maintain the health of the entire body, as well as vitality. Among them, cucumber should not be missing in your diet for the enormous amount of benefits it provides.

This is a vegetable that is grown in many parts of the world due to its versatility and nutritional value. It can be found in various sizes and shapes, but it is always a natural source of water, fiber, vitamins and many other elements that benefit health after being ingested.

At almost all times of the year you can find fresh cucumbers on the market. In addition, they  are perfect to incorporate in salads, smoothies and many other recipes.

On this occasion, we want to share 12 reasons why cucumber should not be missing from your diet. You will realize that you should  consider it as an essential ingredient  in your eating plans. Do you consume it?

1. Helps to lose weight

Woman with a cucumber smoothie in hand

Those who are trying to improve their diet to lose a few kilos will find cucumber one of the best allies. Given its richness in water, it is one of the vegetables with the lowest caloric index : a cup full of cucumbers provides only 13 calories.

Instead of calories, it  provides fiber and antioxidant substances that improve digestion and all the functions involved in weight loss.

As if that were not enough, its consumption provides a certain feeling of satiety, which serves to control the anxiety to eat at every moment, according to an article published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition .

2. Serves to hydrate the body

Another reason why cucumber should not be missing in your diet is because of its high content of water and mineral salts. Therefore, it is a perfect solution to hydrate yourself daily and, if necessary, combat the symptoms derived from dehydration.

3. Detoxifies the body

According to beliefs, the consumption of cucumber helps to detoxify the body, since it has a certain diuretic effect. For this reason it is also said that ingesting it stimulates the function of the purifying organs of the body and makes the process simpler, in general terms.

It should be noted that there is no scientific evidence that food or natural remedies can detoxify the body.

4. It’s good for the joints

Woman with knee pain

Although there are no scientific studies that support the relationship between cucumber consumption and joint health, it is believed that due to its contribution of silicon, cucumber could be an ally of joint health, within a healthy diet. Silicon strengthens connective tissues and reduces the risk of serious disorders like gout and arthritis.

5. Lowers cholesterol levels

It is said that, due to its richness in water and its supply of sterols, cucumber would be a recommended food for diets aimed at lowering cholesterol levels.

Sterols help inhibit the oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries and help lower the chances of blockage.

In addition, the contribution of fiber allows partially blocking the absorption of cholesterol at the intestinal level, according to experts.

6. Fight constipation

Natural fibers and water are the perfect combination to boost intestinal transit and reduce constipation. Its presence in the body improves digestive processes and lubricates the stool to make its expulsion easier.

7. Accelerates skin recovery

The vitamin E it contains, added to its ability to regulate the natural pH of the skin, makes it a good remedy against sunburn and scars. Antioxidants promote cell regeneration and mitigate the damage caused by free radicals.

In this way it is used topically to improve dermatological health.

8. Improves kidney health

Both the vegetable and its natural juice are  appropriate to combat fluid retention and expel substances that form kidney stones.

Among all this , its power to reduce the presence of uric acid stands out.  This is a substance that in excess produces serious diseases.

However, it is a statement based on popular knowledge that has not been scientifically proven. Although it is known for sure that maintaining correct hydration reduces the risk of suffering from stones.

9. Healthy hair and nails

On an aesthetic level it also has important qualities that are worth mentioning. Its high contribution of silicon and sulfur strengthen hair and nails.  This way it is easier for them to grow bright and healthy.

10. Keeps breath fresh

The phytochemicals contained in this vegetable act against the bacteria that cause oral infections and bad breath. Chewing a piece for 15 to 20 minutes refreshes, neutralizes bad odors and soothes the gums.

Anyway, bad breath is usually a multifactorial problem. Ingesting cucumber alone will not be the solution to this situation. In case of suffering from this pathology, it is best to consult a specialist.

11. Regulates blood pressure

Man taking stress

The fiber, magnesium and potassium contained in cucumber are essential to regulate blood pressure levels. Both hypertension and hypotension can be treated naturally with the regular consumption of this vegetable.

12. Presents great versatility

Cucumber can be eaten raw, cooked, pureed, shaken … It offers interesting organoleptic qualities that enrich all kinds of preparations.

In this way it is very easy to introduce it into your usual diet. You just have to find your favorite way to prepare it to start eating it regularly. Also remember that the best way to consume vegetables is in their raw form. In this way we take advantage of all its micronutrients without losing them.

Cucumber, a healthy and fresh food

It is incredible that such a common and delicious vegetable can bring so many benefits to the body. Well … for a reason it is the fourth most harvested in the world. Go ahead and enjoy it!

However, it is recommended to include this vegetable in the framework of a balanced and varied diet. Its consumption should not replace any pharmacological treatment since it does not have the ability to cure diseases by itself.

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