7 Healing Techniques That Give You Mental Balance

Mental balance in a human being is linked to the state of harmony existing between body, mind and spirit. It depends mainly on the use of energy from thought and the acts or actions that result from it.

It is said that a person has a good balance when he is able to control his life. This balance also helps strengthen the immune system. If a person focuses their energy in a positive way in their daily activities, it will cause them to get sick less often.

To help you, we leave you some techniques that will allow you to achieve this balance easily. Get down to work and be happier.

1. Music therapy

Music has been shown influences in health and peace of mind. This is confirmed by professionals such as the neuroscientist Stefan Koelsch, who, in his research, was able to determine that music has benefits on people’s psychological and physiological health, although more research is still needed in this regard.

In any case, it seems that music could have the ability to improve learning and concentration processes, since it stimulates and activates the brain. Specifically, according to the psychologist and neuroscientist, music involves:

  • Sensory processes
  • Attention
  • Memory-related processes
  • Perception-action mediation
  • Multisensory integration
  • Changes in emotional processing, processing of musical syntax and musical meaning, and social cognition

Harmonious, classical and instrumental music can benefit the body and promote mental balance in the human being. However, any kind of music could help. Choose your favorite rhythm and take the time to listen to it for a few minutes a day.

2. Introspection

Strengthening our mental state and our emotions through self-reflection or introspection is very useful when finding mental balance.

In this case, we are talking about the self-knowledge you generate about yourself. Through this exercise, you will be able to strengthen your values, feelings, perception of life and even overcome the fear of death.  This can be done through self-help reading or personal writing.

3. Psychotherapy for mental balance

In case intrapersonal psychology is somewhat difficult for you, we recommend opting for the psychotherapy . This has the purpose of venting or healing any type of memory or emotion that does not allow you to find the mental balance that is expected. In addition,  It can help you improve your quality of life by modifying your behavior, feelings, or thoughts.

4. Relaxation

Some relaxation techniques, such as yoga, allow us to get a deeper rest for our mind. These techniques reduce exhaustion and allow you to increase your energy levels , optimism, emotional and mental stability .

  • From all this it follows that relaxation is a mental balance technique that also helps to promote your spiritual and physical well-being.

5. Meditation for mental balance

The use of meditation through breathing exercises, object-centered attention, and the use of sounds has been very helpful in improving memory. This is confirmed by research such as the one published in 2010 in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease .

In the research, they tried to determine whether subjects with memory loss problems showed changes in memory and brain blood flow after a meditation program. The authors found that, after the meditation program, the participants’ blood flow increased, as did their scores on certain neuropsychological tests.

That is why meditation has been used in many cases to treat various psychological disorders. We recommend you try it as a complement to other techniques that we have mentioned.

6. Reading

We talked earlier about how self-help reading can benefit mental balance. However, reading in general, carried out in a quiet or open space, also favors your mental health. In addition to exercising the brain, it allows you to develop thinking skills . It also influences your ability to organize and concentrate.

7. Neurofeedback or neurofeedback

Through technological advances, it has also been possible to treat stress, depression or anxiety. The neurofeedback It is a computerized technique that monitors the patient’s brain waves using electrodes placed on the surface of the skull.

Through different computerized procedures, the individual is made to learn to control their behavior and influences their mental well-being . This is a very advanced technique and can only be applied under the supervision of a professional.

Work on your mental balance in a reasoned way

Finding mental balance is a very personal task and we do not always give it the importance it has. However, it will pay off enormously if you pay a little attention to it.

If you have been through a situation of emotional difficulty or feel that your life is not going well, take a moment to work on your mental health. You can do this by setting aside a few minutes a day or committing to therapy; You choose how, but do it. Remember that anyone’s last great goal should be to achieve happiness and fullness.

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