How To Fight Sadness In A Natural Way

Did you know that the color of your clothes can influence your mood? If you are having a bad time, dressing in bright colors will make you feel better.

Sadness is an emotional state that may be due to a difficult situation we have experienced.

A loss or a major change in life are usually the most common reasons that lead us to live a time of sadness or nostalgia.

However, there are people who live for long periods with this feeling, despite the fact that, in some cases, there is not even a clear reason.

In this article we explain how you can combat sadness with natural remedies that will bring you joy, vitality and zest for life.

Raw foods to combat sadness

Raw food

Did you know that sadness is often the unconscious consequence of a lack of energy and vitality?

Most of the foods we consume today are packaged or cooked products lacking living nutrients that have been lost in the manufacturing process.

If we start to increase the amount of live food we will feel a better state of mind, which will have an impact on a greater need to do activities, go out, move, etc.

What are live foods?

  • Raw fruits and vegetables, in salads or juices, made at the moment.
  • Raw nuts.
  • Raw and sprouted seeds.
  • Fermented foods such as kefir or sauerkraut.
  • Algae.
  • Mushrooms

The nervious system

The nervious system

Negative moods also have to do with our nervous system, which is what regulates the reactions we have to what happens to us in life.

If our nervous system is strong and balanced, we will have a greater capacity to face difficult situations.

Otherwise, they would lead us to long periods of sadness or even depression.

Here are some foods that regulate the nervous system :

  • Brewer’s yeast: Thanks to its excellent and complete nutritional values, brewer’s yeast allows us to notice a great improvement in a short time. We can take it alone or mix it with food.
  • Spirulina : This algae is a superfood that helps us prevent nutritional deficiencies that lead us to be unbalanced. We recommend taking it in the morning.
  • Pollen: This supplement is not only an ideal food for those who suffer from deficiencies, but it also provides us with a large dose of energy. To assimilate it correctly we must consume it ground.
  • Cocoa : Pure cocoa is rich in nutrients that regulate the nervous system and promote states of happiness.
  • Oatmeal: This cereal has the virtue of being very nutritious and providing a lot of vitality, while also preventing states of nervousness or anxiety. It is an excellent nervous regulator.

    Citrus oils

    Citrus oils

    Citrus essential oils (lemon, orange, tangerine and grapefruit) have antidepressant properties, fight sadness and provoke positive emotions of joy and good humor.

    In addition, they have the advantage that we can aromatize a room and make it easier for all the people who are in it to benefit from these properties.

    Likewise, we can use an electric diffuser, an oil burner or apply the oil as a perfume.

    A simple and inexpensive way to use them is to impregnate a light bulb in the room with a little oil, so that the heat it gives off is what is causing the aroma to be distributed.

    It is essential to use pure and quality essential oils.

    Avoid artificial chemical essences, which do have an aroma but do not have any therapeutic properties.

    Fill your life with color

    Clothing or colors to combat sadness

    People who have a predisposition to negative emotions, or a tendency to sadness, usually wear dark, neutral or muted colors.

    Although they seem like minor details, dressing in strong, warm colors can help improve your mood.

    Therefore, we recommend that you try the following therapeutic colors:

    • Yellow : An antidepressant, cleansing and balancing color .
    • Orange : The color that enhances creativity, extroversion and optimism.
    • Red : The most stimulating and energetic color, ideal in cases of apathy and fatigue.
    • Green : The color of nature is the most balancing and brings us harmony. It fights stress and is the ideal color for those who alternate moments of sadness and euphoria.
    • Turquoise : This combination of blue and green brings tranquility and serenity, as it symbolizes the combination of plant green and the blue of the sea.

    We can start by including small details of color in our clothing, such as scarves, earrings, belts or bags.

    Willing to end the sadness? Follow these recommendations and work for a good mood.

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