6 Tips To Combine Work With Motherhood

To be a mother, you don’t have to put your professional life aside. We know that balancing your two most important roles can be a bit tricky, but it’s possible to combine work with motherhood without sacrificing either.

Can work be combined with motherhood? Surely you have asked yourself this question sometime. In this regard, it is important to review the pros and cons. However, you can combine work with motherhood. It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible either; you just need a lot of discipline and patience.

To be successful in your professional life and enjoy motherhood, there must be balance in your life in general. Organization is also one of the keys to keeping stress away and being able to fulfill all the tasks that work and motherhood demand. Being a professional and a mother at the same time is a challenge that you can consistently achieve.

Tips for combining work with motherhood

Links between parents and children to combine work with motherhood.

It may happen that from so many things you have to do you get stressed and feel like you can’t take it anymore. In these moments you cannot despair. You must learn to set priorities and not overload yourself with tasks. Here are some tips to help you be a mom and a great professional at the same time.

1. Plan and organize yourself well

The best way to combine work and motherhood is by organizing yourself. In order to plan and fulfill your family and your work, we recommend that you keep an agenda. In this way, you will be able to write down, order and distribute all your obligations.

We know that, as a mother, you should attend school meetings, do your job, do chores around the house, and spend time with your family. For this reason, it is important that you establish schedules for each thing. These should be flexible enough so that you don’t exhaust yourself but give you time to do everything.

2. Involve your partner

There are two parents and the best thing you can do is have the support of your partner in the activities in which you need help. From the beginning, you must participate in the tasks that involve the child. For example, bathe him, feed him, change him, put him to sleep and even calm him when you are not there.

In the event that both of you work, you have to  find a way that all the obligations do not fall on a single person. This goes hand in hand with the organization and planning that we have mentioned. A good solution for both of you to rest is to sleep without interruptions for one night each.

If you are breastfeeding your child, you can fill several bottles with breast milk. This can be done with a pump or breast pump during the day. So that you can sleep through the night, keep these bottles in the fridge and let your partner take care of everything.

3. Examine the work you do

Remember that you are now a mother and you have obligations to yourself and your family. A job that requires 100% of you and does not have a vacation does not suit you. You will want to live this stage to the fullest with your child, without missing any moment. Therefore, it is important that you examine whether your current job allows you to share time with your little one and your partner.

If your work activity does not allow you to combine work with motherhood, you may be able to work from home. In this case, you can raise it with your boss and, if feasible, make the final decision with your partner.

4. Share quality time with your child

Safe children in the pool.

It is not about quantity but quality. Your child needs to relate to other people. Therefore, it is not recommended that he spend the whole day with you. For example, when your little one is at school without your presence, he creates responsibilities and independence that he will later apply at home.

However, it is important that you take time to share moments with him. In this way, they will feel and value your company. Weekends should be strictly family, so forget about work. Go out with your partner and your child, comment on the anecdotes of the week and plan your vacations.

5. Set priorities

Combining work with motherhood is synonymous with balance. When you strike a balance between the two, the two can be a priority. However, on many occasions it is usually a bit difficult. In this case, you should ask yourself which of the two things is more important at this point in your life.

If you don’t know what to do, we give you a couple of tips that you can apply:

  • You can ask your boss to work part time for a few months.
  • Avoid long and tiring trips and try to get a closer job.
  • Seek help. You can hire a person to help you clean, wash and iron. In this way, you will already have that work in advance and you can use that time to share with your family.

    6. Ask for help to combine work with motherhood

    Asking for help is not bad. You cannot do a thousand things by yourself, even if you want to; you can create a support system. In addition to involving your partner, invite your family and friends to help you.

    Your child will be the darling of the family, that means that many people will want to spend time with him, so surely the members of your family will be willing to help you with his care.

    Combining work with motherhood is difficult, but not impossible

    Combining work with motherhood may not be an easy task, but you can achieve anything you set your mind to. That is, you can be a great professional and enjoy motherhood  without guilt or any kind of sacrifice.

    You cannot allow yourself to fill yourself with tasks and be consumed by stress. Always try to keep your obligations up to date, according to your rhythm. Get enough rest and spend a lot of time with your family. At the end of the day, your child’s smile for having played with him or helping you with homework will make you feel that all the effort you put in is rewarded.

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