Lose Weight With Health: The 7 Vegetables With The Most Proteins In Nature

Losing weight with health is a priority when you want to eliminate those extra kilos accumulated in hips, abdomen and in the body in general. It is not easy, we know. Miracles do not exist. The last thing you should try is to lose that fat quickly because, this way, you will be putting your health at risk.

For our part, we propose the following: a first visit to the doctor to assess your physical condition. Then establish daily routines to meet easy and motivating everyday goals. A daily walk, some aerobic exercise and, above all, a good diet are the most basic keys to losing weight safely.

Next we want to talk to you about that last key: diet. At your fingertips you have 7 fabulous vegetables that nature has given you so you can get rid of those kilos in a healthy way. They are rich in protein, tasty and with various types of vitamins and minerals. You dare?

Do you want to lose weight with health? So say “yes” to proteins


Before listing the 9 best vegetables, we want to explain the importance of proteins when we start any plan to lose weight with health.

When you eat foods rich in protein, you get a prolonged satiating effect, as stated in an article published in the journal Advances in Nutrition. This does not happen if you consume simple carbohydrates or sweet foods; on the contrary, you experience more hunger.

You should also consider that if you neglect the protein intake when dieting to lose weight, you will lose muscle mass. Remember that proteins promote muscle building and help preserve body composition.

However, you should not exceed your consumption. The ideal is to combine proteins of animal origin (such as turkey meat) with the vegetables that we are now going to list.

1. Spinach

Spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense green leafy vegetables you can consume.

  • It is one of the vegetables richest in protein and, in addition, it contains multiple essential amino acids.
  • It also contains high amounts of folate, manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C. The latter is beneficial for optimizing iron absorption, according to a study published in 2019.
  • In addition to its high protein content, spinach contains compounds with antioxidant power.

As a proposal we suggest the following: a salad of spinach, strawberries and walnuts.

2. The watercress

Watercress is a cruciferous plant (like broccoli or Brussels sprouts) that is high in protein.

  • Likewise, it also has good amounts of vitamins A, group B and C, as well as minerals (calcium, manganese and potassium).
  • On the other hand, it should be known that if you choose to boil the watercress it will lose all its antioxidant content. Therefore, try eating it raw in salads.

    3. Alfalfa sprouts

    Have you tried alfalfa sprouts yet? They give an original touch to the dishes and have hardly any calories, but they do have multiple nutrients. They contain vitamins of group B, C and K, and minerals such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and copper. Alfalfa sprouts are great for helping to lower bad (LDL) cholesterol, to ease menopausal symptoms, and to help prevent osteoporosis. How to resist them?

    4. Chinese cabbage

    You will love Chinese cabbage. It provides a large amount of protein, as well as calcium, potassium, manganese, iron and vitamins A, C and K. On the other hand, and thanks to its antioxidant power, it helps you prevent cell damage. Feel free to look for Chinese cabbage in your markets.

    5. Asparagus

    Asparagus is a vegetable known for its high nutrient content. For example, with 134 grams of asparagus we get an average of 2.9 grams of protein.

    • It is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamins of group B, K, and minerals (copper, manganese, phosphorus and magnesium).
    • It also stands out for its content of fructooligosaccharides, which have a prebiotic action by stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microbiota.

    You can prepare asparagus baked, broiled, boiled, or steamed. In any of its forms they are delicious and healthy.

    6. Broccoli for healthy weight loss

    Broccoli is a protein-rich vegetable that you can eat raw or cooked. It has hardly any calories, is satiating and will provide you with high amounts of plant compounds and flavonoids, such as kaempferol. In this way, you will help reduce high cholesterol levels

    7. Brussels sprouts

    Brussels sprouts for healthy weight loss

    Brussels sprouts are great for healthy weight loss. They are a good source of protein, fiber, and vitamins. You will also like to know that this type of vegetable takes care of the intestines, since they help eliminate the harmful bacteria lodged in it. You can cook them in the oven or grilled. They are an ideal accompaniment to any dish.

    Combine animal protein with vegetable to lose weight with health

    As you have seen, it is possible to lose weight with health. These suggestions that we have presented will come in handy for you, but keep in mind that it is recommended that you consult well with a nutritionist.

    Also, keep in mind that you should not neglect the animal protein in lean meat. Vegetable proteins are usually deficient in some essential amino acid, in addition to having a lower digestibility. For this reason, it is recommended that at least 50% of the protein intake in the diet comes from the animal kingdom.

    Do not forget to carry out a varied and balanced diet, as well as combine it with regular physical exercise. Only then can you get the results you want.

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