Discover The Incredible Benefits Of Ginger, Cinnamon And Honey Infusion

If we put together the benefits of three excellent medicinal foods such as ginger infusion, cinnamon and honey, which also have a delicious flavor, taking care of ourselves every day can be a simple and delicious option.

Discover everything you can gain by taking this infusion for a few weeks. You’ll be surprised!

What is this combination of remedies for?

If we take this infusion every day for at least two weeks, as explained in this article, in a short time we will achieve the following results:

  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Increase metabolism and help fight overweight and fluid retention.
  • Improve the digestive process and combat gastric hyperacidity.
  • Take care of the health of the joints.
  • Prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Improve energy levels and avoid states of stress and exhaustion.
  • Fight insomnia.
  • Increase libido.
  • Protect the throat and vocal cords.
  • Prevent cellular aging.
  • Facilitate sweating and elimination of toxins.


    Ground ginger

    Ginger ( Zingiber Officinale ) is a medicinal plant that has been used and consumed since ancient times in Orient, as this study points out. It has a very peculiar flavor, slightly sweet, refreshing and spicy.

    The part that we use for its properties is the rhizome, which we can consume fresh or in powder. For this remedy we better recommend fresh ginger.

    Its most outstanding properties are digestive, circulatory and respiratory, while allowing us to stimulate the body naturally and accelerate metabolism.

    In this way we obtain a lot of energy and vitality, and avoid the harmful effects of other types of stimulants.

    The cinnamon

    Cinnamon is a spice with stimulating properties and a delicious flavor that, in addition to being a natural stimulant and digestive like ginger, has the surprising property of regulating blood sugar levels.


    This virtue is not only suitable for those who suffer from diabetes, but it also helps us avoid hunger peaks and improve the function of the pancreas.

    However, we should choose Ceylon cinnamon whenever possible, from Sri Lanka and different from Chinese cinnamon, not only for its flavor but also for its health benefits.


    This delicious natural food is highly nutritious and medicinal, and stands out for being an effective antibiotic without side effects.

    However, to benefit from its properties, honey would have to be organic, which guarantees that it has been processed naturally without adding any substance.

    Honey and cinnamon

    In addition, we should also look for raw honey, which is the one that has not been cooked at high temperatures so that it always appears liquid. That is, with the cold it should solidify.

    Once we have it, we can heat it in a water bath to melt it without losing its properties.

    Bee honey not only provides us with numerous benefits, but also prevents us from consuming white sugar or chemical sweeteners.

    How do we prepare the ginger, honey and cinnamon infusion?

    Every day we should take a liter of infusion approximately of this infusion of ginger, honey and cinnamon. Next, we will see what steps we have to follow to prepare it.


    • 1 liter and a half of water.
    • 50 grams of fresh ginger cut into thin slices.
    • A stick of cinnamon.
    • Honey.


    • We will heat the water and, when it boils, we will add the ginger and cinnamon and let the decoction take place for 15 minutes.
    • Next, we will let it cool a little, we will strain it and we will sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey.
    • As we are going to take it on the same day, it is not necessary to keep it in the fridge.

    How do we take it?

    We will divide the shots of this ginger, honey and cinnamon infusion as follows:

    • 2 glasses on an empty stomach, at a hot temperature.
    • 1 glass at mid-morning, warm or hot.
    • 1 glass in the afternoon, warm or hot.

    It is very important to take this infusion outside of meals to better assimilate its properties. If we are constant, in a few days we will notice positive changes in our body.

    And for hot days?

    Mint drink

    On the hottest days we can add ice to this infusion of ginger, honey and cinnamon  and even some fresh mint leaves and organic orange or lemon peel.

    In this way we will take it more easily and we may want to drink more. In that case we recommend adding more water, diluting it a little and not exceeding the amounts we have indicated.

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