9 Medicinal Properties That You Did Not Know About Papaya

In addition to the fruit itself, both the leaves and the seeds of papaya have multiple medicinal properties that we can take advantage of to give the body a boost.

Papaya is a tropical fruit from Central America, whose sweet taste has conquered the palate of millions of people around the world. They are usually consumed when they reach a high degree of maturity, since when they are green they are bitter like many other fruits.

It is a valuable nutritional source that for years has been the subject of research for the multiple benefits it brings to health. It has powerful antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes that, after being ingested, contribute to the proper functioning of the body’s systems.

Most interesting of all, it is very versatile and can be incorporated into meal plans in many ways. In addition, it has medicinal qualities that make it an incredible natural remedy for various ailments. Find out what they are!

Medicinal properties of papaya

We are going to tell you the most important properties of papaya, as well as the position of science in this regard.

1. Papaya fights constipation

What is constipation due to

Consuming a slice of papaya a day is one of the best treatments against slow intestinal transit or constipation.

This fruit contains a digestive enzyme called papain that supports digestive processes and protects the intestinal flora. It also provides a significant amount of fiber, an essential nutrient for good digestive health.

According to research published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics , fiber is capable of increasing the volume of the fecal bolus, stimulating the mechanoreceptors of the intestinal tube and making peristaltic movements more aggressive.

It is recommended to consume in the afternoon, either alone or added in a shake.

2. Decrease stress

Although many people think that stress is only eliminated with relaxation and rest therapies, the truth is that some foods can also contribute.

For example, the medicinal properties of papaya reduce the production of cortisol, a hormone known to be the generator of this state of mind.

In this sense, eating one or two servings a day improves mood, increases energy and strengthens the brain activities responsible for concentration.

3. Eliminate intestinal parasites

Papaya seeds, those that many prefer to discard, are an excellent remedy against intestinal parasites.

Although its flavor is not as pleasant as that of the pulp, they have powerful nutrients that favor their expulsion.

They contain a significant amount of proteolytic enzymes and an alkaloid called carpain that have served as a treatment against amoebas, according to a study published in the Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo.

4. Thanks to papaya menstrual pain is reduced

Regular consumption of papaya is an excellent ally for those women who struggle with the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

This is because the richness of vitamins and minerals it contains improves mood, reduces spasms and prevents pain.

Also, its active compound, papain, helps maintain normal flow during your period and has an analgesic effect.

5. Treat bumps and bruises

Topical application of papaya pulp helps reduce bumps and bruises on the skin

The topical application of papaya pulp is a good treatment against bumps and bruises that are visible on the skin.

Its daily use on bruises improves circulation and accelerates the recovery process.

It is also recommended for breastfeeding mothers, as it prevents and heals nipple cracks.

6. Soothes throat and fights cough

Severe coughing spells can cause throat irritation and pain. Luckily, by consuming this fruit we can improve the symptoms and alleviate the condition.

In fact, if we mix the pulp with a little honey, we will obtain a natural syrup with expectorant properties.

7. Strengthens the immune system

The high concentrations of vitamin C that this fruit contains are what benefit the body’s immune system, as stated in a study published in Nutrients .

This essential nutrient stimulates the body’s defenses and promotes the production of antibodies that are responsible for fighting viruses and bacteria that cause diseases.

As a result, its active compounds prevent colds, flu, and other common viral conditions.

8. Papaya fights cholesterol

Including this fruit in the regular diet also has important benefits on the cardiovascular system, especially in those with a tendency to high cholesterol.

The high contributions of vitamins C and E, in combination with antioxidants such as beta-carotene and lycopene, make this fruit regulate the lipids that accumulate in the arteries.

On the other hand, it serves to improve blood flow and prevent conditions such as thrombosis and arteriosclerosis.

9. Protects the liver

Consuming papaya helps protect the liver

Although the catalog of remedies to protect the liver is very wide, it is good to bear in mind that papaya seeds are excellent allies.

These contain active substances and powerful antioxidants that have been shown to be effective in the alternative treatment of liver cirrhosis.

Its qualities are even greater when consumed with a cleansing infusion of dandelion or artichoke.

Papaya has medicinal properties

As you can see, there are many reasons to incorporate more servings of this wonderful fruit into your diet. The best thing is that it can be purchased in all seasons of the year, at quite favorable prices. Enjoy it!

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