What Is The Correct Way To Eat Nuts?

Although it is always important to measure portions, the consumption of nuts is very healthy for the body, since they provide us with multiple essential nutrients.

The diversity of nuts that exist is as wide as the great nutritional properties that they provide to the body. That is why they are so recommended. Now, what is the best way to eat them? Did you know that there are several ways to prepare and incorporate them into the diet?

Many of these we can eat directly from the moment they are stored. However, others may need to be cooked before consuming them, depending on one’s taste. However, we must be aware of the health implications of how we prepare and eat them.

Nuts have been a part of nutrition since ancient times. They are highly energetic foods, because they are a natural source of protein, fiber and, depending on their type, they provide large amounts of vitamins. They also contain trace elements, omega 3 fatty acids, healthy fats and essential minerals for the bodies, such as copper, iron, phosphorus and potassium.

What are nuts?

The Spanish Food Code (CAE) states that nuts are all those whose edible portion has less than 50 percent water in its composition. Among the most consumed in Spain are the following:

  • Almonds
  • Hazelnuts
  • Chestnuts
  • Walnuts.
  • Pinions.

These foods come from various trees, shrubs, and plants and are classified into two groups.

1. Those who are surrounded by a hard shell

Among these we find:

  • Almonds
  • Hazelnuts
  • Cashew nuts
  • Chestnuts
  • Walnuts.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Pinions.
  • Pistachios

2. Those that come from dried fruits

In this group are the following:

  • Dates
  • Plums
  • Dried figs.
  • Raisins.
  • Dried apricot dried apricots.

Often, in the gastronomic world, it is usual for peanuts to be included among nuts. However, in botanical terms it is part of the legume family.

What is the correct way to eat them?

If you want to receive the benefits of each of the nutrients that nuts can provide us, you must consume them raw. Only in this way will their respective properties be preserved intact. This will keep their omega 3 fatty acids intact, nutrients that have been shown to improve cardiovascular health.

According to the various studies carried out on this subject, it is recommended that we include a few grams of nuts in each of the diets, due to the benefits they bring to the body. It is recommended to consume them at least five times a week, as long as we are sure that there are no allergies or intolerances to these foods.

It is not advisable to add extra fats (such as saturated) when consuming nuts. They have a natural composition with a high content of unsaturated lipids (good) and frying them will not provide the optimal nutritional values. In addition, you will be adding more calories to the body.

If you don’t want to eat them raw or want to improve their flavor, toasting them is a viable alternative. Remember not to add an excessive amount of salt, since the blood pressure could increase.

In conclusion, consuming them without cooking is the right option if we want to achieve the highest nutritional properties. Although the flavor when they are in their natural state is not as succulent as when they are fried, you can be sure that your health will improve significantly.

It is important to remember that, although nuts have great positive effects on the body, they have a high caloric intake. Therefore, it is suggested that they be ingested in portions no larger than the size of a fist or a quarter cup a day (30 g).

Nuts in bowls for Christmas recipes.

Health benefits

Various epidemiological studies have revealed that the preventive effects of the intake of nuts reduce the risk of suffering from brain and cardiovascular diseases in different groups of people. At the same time, positive results have been demonstrated in the lipoprotein profile by reducing total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in plasma. This is evidenced by an investigation published in the Costa Rican Journal of Public Health.

In addition, it reduces fatigue, stress, premenstrual syndrome and increases the defenses in the body, due to its rich contributions in folic acid. It also helps us prevent degenerative diseases and cellular aging, thanks to the antioxidants that they contribute to the body, such as vitamins E and C.

Children especially benefit from consuming nuts. They increase the nerve connection and the tissue of neurons, which helps your children have a greater ability to retain knowledge.

Similarly, nuts such as Brazil nuts or pecans have a positive effect on men’s health. The reason? The former are enriched with selenium, an antioxidant micromineral that can reduce the chances of developing prostate cancer and other diseases.

For their part, the latter are full of beta-sitosterol, belonging to the family of plant sterols or phytosterols. It can ease the pain of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

As we have seen, nuts are really beneficial for the body. Now, as in any nutritional process, there must be a balance in its consumption and it is recommended to seek advice if you have any questions.

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