Discover The Delicious Naturally Flavored Waters

Water with light touches of flavor (flavored waters) is becoming more and more fashionable. The one sold already prepared usually contains sugar or sweeteners and the flavors are mostly artificial, as well as containing other additives.

The following article will give some suggestions so that these can be made at home and are healthier. Discover how they can be prepared by using fruits, flowers and aromatic plants in multiple ways.

Flavored waters: flavor and color

It is known that approximately 2 liters of water should be ingested a day outside of meals, but most people find it difficult to force themselves and sometimes even overlook it.

Drinking water is essential for life, so these flavored drinks can be ingested in a more pleasant way, since they will give a touch of flavor without the need to consume artificial flavorings or sugars. They hardly have calories and if you want to sweeten a little it is recommended to add a couple of drops of stevia.

How do you make it

Preparing the flavored waters is as simple as adding the fruits to pieces in the cold water at least one hour before consuming it. If you want to enhance the flavor, you just have to prick them with the help of a fork so that they release the flavor and aroma faster.

It is recommended to keep it in the fridge and serve it cold with ice. In addition, they are an ideal alternative for children’s parties, so as not to abuse sugary drinks and make children feel attracted to colors. Finally, it is suggested to use freshly picked aromatic plants. They can be planted in ready-to-use pots.

Strawberry, lemon and mint water

water strawberries laelomo

A study carried out in 2009 emphasized that vitamin E belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins and is used as an antioxidant in many types of food. Strawberry and lemon have it.

The red color of the strawberries in contrast to the yellow of the lemon is suitable to prepare one of these drinks, in addition they combine very well the sweet and acid flavors. It is also recommended to add some fresh mint leaves that can be crushed a little before. The flavor will be refreshing and ideal for hot days.

Watermelon and basil water

This combination may surprise you, but it is delicious and will also leave your mouth open. You can add the watermelon even with the skin and the basil leaves must be very fresh so that they aromatize the water well.

According to an article in Healthline magazine, watermelon has healing properties and helps reduce inflammation and even stress. So there are several benefits to ingesting it.

Orange, cinnamon and clove water

ecstaticist orange.  flavored waters

This aromatic drink is ideal for providing energy and vitality to the body. The orange will be added chopped together with the peel and the juice, but you can also put only the skin. In that case, it is recommended to choose organic oranges.

The cinnamon stick and cloves will give it a delicate scent. It is suggested to have it macerated longer than usual, at least three hours, so that the spices give off all the aroma.

Lemon rosemary water

This pleasant drink is also very therapeutic and cleansing, due to the ingredients. You can use limes or lemons, in the same way as oranges and include the peel. The rosemary on the other hand should be fresh, if possible freshly picked.

Rose petal water

Rose water has been heard of for traditional beauty uses, but this turns out to be a romantic and exotic drink, ideal for celebrations or special dinners. You can combine rose petals of different colors and it is recommended to add a few drops of lime.

A recent investigation that was carried out in 2019 prayed that some edible flowers, in addition to having the beauty of colors, also have nutritional and medicinal properties. That is, there is no problem in drinking refreshing water impregnated with rose petals.

Tangerine and lavender water

Citrus fruits have relaxing properties, like lavender, that is why the following drink is proposed, in which mandarin segments and fresh lavender flowers will be added to the water. The combination of purple and orange colors, in addition to the sweet aromas, will create a particular drink.

Organic fruits, plants or spices should always be used, to prevent pesticides or additives from being transmitted to the water and the result is more than harmful. Take these tips into account and you will see that from now on drinking enough water during the day will be easy.

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