10 Interesting Health Benefits Of Oregano

Thanks to its active substances, oregano can be a great ally to fight intestinal infections. In addition, its antioxidants help us to strengthen the immune system

Oregano, known as the “pizza herb”, is one of the most widely used spices in world cuisine. Especially in Italian, Mediterranean and Mexican cuisine. Its name means “joy of the mountain” and it is believed that it had its origins in Northern Europe and Asia.

Taking into account that many want to know more about its benefits, below we are going to share in detail the 10 most important ones. Keep reading!

10 interesting health benefits of oregano

For centuries it has been valued for its aromatic power and particular flavor that, when incorporated into dishes, gives them a delicious touch. What some do not know is that, beyond these uses, it is an ingredient with many medicinal applications, since its high content of essential nutrients gives it interesting health benefits.

Its volatile essential oils, antioxidants and its expectorant effect can be used both for the treatment and for the prevention of some diseases. We will detail them below.

1. Strengthens the immune system

The immune system is strengthened

An active agent contained in oregano, rosmarinic acid, has a powerful antioxidant effect. This  strengthens the response of the immune system to pathogens and external agents that affect health.

Rosmarinic acid provides much more of this substance compared to other plant sources such as apples and berries. This means that, by consuming it on a regular basis, you reduce the risk of suffering from infections and autoimmune diseases.

2. Combat nasal congestion

The infusion and oil of oregano are natural solutions against congestion that affects respiratory health. This symptom is very common in cases of flu and colds.

The volatile oils of oregano pass through the nostrils and have a mucolytic and expectorant effect. Thanks to this, the elimination of phlegm is promoted.

3. Calms menstrual cramps

Woman with menstrual pain

Oregano has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antispasmodic compounds. Thanks to this, this medicinal plant is effective in reducing menstrual cramps.

  • Chewing its leaves or preparing them into an infusion is an effective solution to reduce swelling and the sensation of pain.

4. Eliminate intestinal parasites

Do you think you have intestinal parasites or do you want to prevent them? The active substances in dried oregano exert a powerful antiparasitic action that helps to kill and expel intestinal worms.

Its intake slows the development of parasites and prevents them from generating serious infections in the digestive system. In addition, its antimicrobial agents such as thymol and carvacrol clean the digestive tract and prevent the attack of these microorganisms.  

5. Promotes cardiovascular health

Protects cardiovascular health

This aromatic herb contains potassium. And this mineral is essential for the regulation of body fluids that help maintain a good heart rate and pressure. In addition, its intake facilitates the balance of mineral salts, thus avoiding disorders such as fluid retention and high blood pressure.

In addition, its high concentration of antioxidants slows oxidative stress, reduces the accumulation of cholesterol and improves the health of the arteries to prevent heart disease. As if that were not enough, it contains small amounts of omega 3, related to the control of inflammation and lipids.

6. Relieves joint pain

Do you suffer from frequent joint pain? Due to its contribution of a substance called beta-caryophyllin (E-BCP), oregano is an ally of joint and bone health.

Specifically, this component reduces excess inflammation and exerts an analgesic effect that controls pain in the extremities. In this sense, we recommend consulting with our doctor to define the appropriate dose.

7. Soothe toothache


The natural oils of this spice can be applied directly on the teeth. In this way we can  control infections that cause pain and inflammation.

  • A couple of drops on the teeth can reduce pain caused by bacterial growth or gum problems.

8. Promotes body weight control

This herb does not provide cholesterol and represents a significant source of dietary fiber and antioxidant substances that improve the digestion process. In addition, its intake in small amounts helps regulate body weight, while increasing metabolic activity for a correct elimination of fat.

On the other hand, carvacrol is one of its natural assets. This component dissolves fat to prevent its accumulation in the liver, lymphatic system and other parts of the body.

9. Relieves constipation

Oregano relieves constipation

Due to its contribution of natural fibers and essential oils, this spice exerts a slight laxative effect. In this way, patients with constipation can benefit.

  • The ingestion of its infusion or essential oils improves the motility of the intestine, protects the bacterial flora and promotes the elimination of waste.

10. Treat skin infections

Finally, it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds. Thanks to them, oregano provides  interesting benefits in the treatment of skin infections.

  • Its external application, either in compresses or by massage with its oil, reduces allergies, relieves itching and prevents oxidative cell damage.

As you can see, this delicious spice not only improves the taste of dishes but also provides many properties for our well-being. However, it should be clarified that its intake should be in small quantities, since excesses can alter the nervous system due to the stimulants of its oils.

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