Hot-cold Effect Cream To Improve Circulation

Do you want to improve your blood circulation? Hot-cold creams could be a good option to achieve this goal.

One of the most widespread recommendations to improve circulation in the legs is to apply a topical product with a hot-cold effect. Most of these products are creams and lotions, although you can also find ointments, gels and tonics.

However, the first two options are the most advisable, since in addition to combating the discomfort derived from poor circulation, they help to hydrate the skin.

How does the hot-cold effect work?

Woman applying cream to her legs

The mechanism of action of products with a hot-cold effect is as follows: once applied, they would activate the skin’s receptors at certain temperature ranges. This would be possible due to the properties of its ingredients.

Products with this effect are generally made up of substances such as capsaicin, camphor, and menthol. In the case of the first two, they especially activate the heat detectors, while the menthol activates the cold ones.

Now, in case you want to prepare a homemade hot-cold cream, you can use some natural ingredients whose properties exert an action similar to that of the aforementioned substances.

Mint to cool

The essential oil of peppermint is attributed a cooling effect that is associated with the cold. How would you favor this? Well, the cold caused by peppermint oil would act to help reduce inflammation and soothe pain, according to data from the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine .

On the other hand, an article from the University of Valencia explains that the cold constricts the blood vessels; then, upon regaining normal body temperature, it is believed that the blood would flow better.

Now, it is important to note that peppermint oil, in addition to providing a delicious aroma to the skin, would relieve various pain due to its analgesic effect.

Ginger for heating

Helps prevent disease

The essential oil of ginger, unlike that of peppermint, would help to quickly warm up and dilate the blood vessels. Thus, it would have a very comforting effect.

It is worth noting that researchers have concluded that ginger has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that would help reduce aches and pains.

The combination of ginger essential oil with peppermint essential oil would produce an interesting hot-cold effect that, in short, would help improve blood circulation.

Make your own cream with a hot-cold effect

At home, you can make your own cream to improve circulation in the legs. The ingredients that you will use are natural, have a pleasant aroma and texture and, in addition, they have properties that would help relieve discomfort.


  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 ml).
  • 4 and a half tablespoons of cocoa butter (45 g).
  • 20 drops of peppermint essential oil.
  • 20 drops of ginger essential oil.


  • First, put the coconut oil and cocoa butter in a water bath or microwave to melt and mix. Coconut oil melts from 23ºC, while cocoa butter requires more temperature to melt.
  • Once melted, let them warm up a bit.
  • Before they solidify, add the essential oils and mix well.
  • It is important to note that essential oils should not be subjected to extreme temperatures, as they are very sensitive and would lose their therapeutic effect.
  • Place the mixture in an airtight container.
  • Once it is at room temperature, it will have a creamy texture.
  • It is not necessary to keep the cream in the fridge.

How is the hot-cold cream applied?

Cream with hot-cold effect to improve circulation in the legs.

Despite being well known how to apply moisturizers, lotions and other related products, in this case the method for applying this product differs a bit.

  • After a contrast shower, with hot and cold water, dry your body and proceed to apply the cream with a hot-cold effect.
  • Perform a medium intensity massage in the form of circles from the ankles to the thighs or buttocks  (always in an upward motion to improve circulation).
  • With a closed fist, make upward movements throughout the leg. You will notice a great relaxation.

Tips for good circulation

To avoid the discomfort derived from poor circulation, we recommend that you put into practice the following guidelines to help you get relief and say goodbye to tiredness and the feeling of heaviness.

  • Use certain hydrotherapy techniques, such as alternating hot and cold temperatures in the shower (at least in the area of ​​the legs).
  • Put your legs up for at least half an hour each day.
  • Always sleep with a cushion under the ankles so that the legs are slightly elevated with respect to the heart and, thus, promote venous return.
  • Avoid wearing clothing that is too tight and high-heeled shoes for long periods of time.
  • Don’t sit for more than 45 minutes. It is essential to carry out some movements, every so often, so as not to contribute to poor circulation.

    Remember: the use of hot-cold creams and the measures mentioned cannot be used as a substitute for any medical treatment because they are not a cure by themselves. It should be borne in mind that these are simply complementary use ointments.

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