Learn The Story Of A Baby Who Suffered Irreparable Damage From Swallowing A Button Battery

Have you heard the story of the baby who after swallowing a battery suffered terrible damage? Button batteries seem to contain some substance that is irresistible to younger children. In fact, an estimated 4,000 infants in the United States go through emergency rooms each year for accidentally ingesting such a battery.

Read on and discover the story of the boy who suffered terrible injuries from swallowing a battery.

Batteries and child safety

Unlike traditional cylindrical batteries that come in different thicknesses, button cells are very small. These are often used to operate watches, toys, remote controls, and many other household items.

Usually, there is some type of protector that prevents them from coming out of the device easily. However, when you have babies at home, nothing seems to be a barrier to prevent them from removing them from their place.

From their perspective, children see the world very differently and cannot distinguish danger. Any object, no matter how insignificant it may seem, becomes for them an article worthy of being explored with all the senses.

For this reason, after finding one of these tiny, smooth and shiny artifacts, they do not hesitate to take it to their mouth to find out what it is. If as adults we are not aware of such a situation, the consequences can be tragic.

This is because when you swallow a battery,  it stays lodged in your esophagus. This would cause severe burns and a series of dangerous reactions that could even lead to death.

A clear example of how damaging this element can be was shared recently by parents who almost lost their little one when he ingested the battery of the control of their DVD.

The story is sad because the little one suffered irreparable damage, but they decided to reveal it to everyone so that no one else would.

Irreparable damage from swallowing a battery

Domestic accidents in children: swallowing a battery

Michael and Karla became concerned when their youngest son, Emmett, developed a fever for no apparent reason. As he was not improving, they made the decision to take him to the hospital to find out his cause.

The little boy was diagnosed with the flu and sent home again. However, the symptoms went from bad to worse, until one day he gave them a tremendous scare when he vomited blood.

The diagnosis of the child who swallowed a battery


Returning to the emergency room after such a rare symptom, the doctors performed more detailed analyzes and found through a chest X-ray what was causing his deteriorating health: a button battery.

The diagnosis unleashed a nightmare for these parents, who did not know whether to feel shame, guilt or anger at their carelessness. After thinking about it for a few minutes, the two determined that the battery came from the control of his DVD, which in recent days the little one had to manipulate.

The baby was immediately referred to the operating room and,  after a lengthy surgery, the doctors managed to remove the battery. However, the consequences that this left him will be present throughout his life, even if he undergoes treatments.

Injuries from swallowing a pile


While the device did not choke him, Emmett did sustain serious injuries that for a long time prevented him from eating solid foods. In addition, he had to undergo 65 surgeries and will have to visit the doctor very often.

According to the child’s mother, her son will have to deal with digestive problems and swallowing difficulties for life ; He is also at high risk for lung infections, as his vocal cords are paralyzed.

Today, she and her husband are fighting every day to improve Emmett’s quality of life, and they also started the Emmett’s Fight blog to tell their story and warn parents about the risks of swallowing a stack.

Accidents can happen at any time, let’s take care of our children. : (Share this mother’s testimony and help save more children.

The best remedy: prevention

All children are curious and exposed to these kinds of dangers at home. Many parents even have devices with these types of batteries and are unaware that their little ones can access them.

The best remedy in these cases will always be prevention. As adults, there  are several measures we can take so that consequences as serious as Emmett do not occur.

Some general tips in this regard are the following:

  • Keep all those elements that work with button batteries out of the reach of children.
  • Check the device covers to verify that they are properly sealed. If possible, put sturdy tape over it.
  • Do not leave any button cell batteries on any surface. If these have already finished their useful life, put them in a jar and store them in a safe place.
  • Observe children’s toys and try to avoid those that work with these types of batteries.
  • Supervise children’s play, especially when handling objects that they can put in their mouths.

What to do in case of emergency?

The symptoms that occur after swallowing a button battery are nonspecific and may vary depending on the damage it causes to the body.

If you suspect that the child has swallowed one of these elements, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible and not give any type of home remedy because it can worsen the condition.

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