What Are The Dangers Of Wearing Acrylic Nails?

It is true that acrylic nails look very pretty, they are perfect for a special occasion and they transform our hands. However, they can also cause many problems or diseases that are best avoided.

The acrylic nails that many women use may be synonymous with paying a high price for your health. In this article,  we tell you about the possible risks of wearing sculpted or artificial nails. Read it before deciding if you want to show them off or not.

Why are acrylic nails so popular?

Acrylic nails.

It is increasingly common to see women of all ages wear artificial nails or extensions. Being made of plastic or a similar element, they give a feeling of “perfection”, like that seen in fashion magazines and celebrities in the show.

It is easy to understand the reasons why women prefer to use these nails to show off their own. Acrylic nails fix imperfections and allow for an ideal appearance.

They are also chosen to be able to paint or add designs  of all kinds, which perhaps with natural nails cannot if they are too short or irregular in shape.

If the nails tend to break, we bite them out of habit or if we work in an area where presence is important, it is common to think about wearing acrylic nails. The same happens for a wedding, a party or a special event of our life.

Beware of artificial nails

Artificial nails

We can think that it is something harmless, but both its placement and its use can cause different problems. Let’s start with what happens when we go to the beauty salon or beauty salon to get acrylic nails done.

Chemical agents

The chemical components used —resins or formaldehydes, among others— can cause inflammation, as suggested by this research carried out by the University of Cartagena (Colombia); the  separation of the true nail from the skin, burning, pain and allergies.

There are even cases of women who have completely lost their natural nails and destroyed the matrix. If the latter happens, the nails do not grow back.


If the establishment where you get your nails is not well ventilated, you are likely to inhale toxic or irritating gases.  In turn, some non-professional salons use a substance called methyl methacrylate to glue the nails. This compound causes serious damage to the lungs (according to this report from the New Jersey Department of Health), by inhalation, and to the fingers, by direct contact.

Some roses.


Sometimes, the beauty centers do not sterilize or clean the instruments and materials used once they finish applying the nails. In other words, the next client can catch any disease — for example, fungi — that the previous one had. A wise tip is to bring your own nail file, as this item cannot be sterilized.


Pay attention to estheticians who do not wear latex or plastic gloves. If we have a cut or wound on our hands, it will be the “ideal” place for all kinds of diseases of various caliber that are spread by contact. This study from the Universidad Del Valle (Colombia) emphasizes the need for hygienic measures to prevent and control any virus or bacteria in places related to health care.

On the other hand, you should not allow the cuticles to be clipped or pushed back. Do not forget that they are a natural barrier to prevent the passage of infections and harmful microorganisms.

In addition, before starting the application, it  is necessary that your fingers are clean and, above all, well dry. In this way, there will be no trace of moisture on the nails and the proliferation of fungus will be avoided once the acrylic nail is placed.

More problems caused by acrylic nails

The consequences of the application of artificial nails do not end when we leave the beauty salon,  even if it is a reputable establishment with qualified personnel. Among the most common adverse effects, we find the following:


As acrylic nails are totally rigid,  we can suffer onycholysis, as suggested by the information extracted from the National Library of Medicine of the United States, before any blow, no matter how slight. This means that the plastic nail will come off and, at the same time, ours will tear off. It is certainly very painful and takes a long time to grow back.


Infections with manicure.

The risk of infection is much higher than with natural nails. If there is some space between these and the acrylics, bacteria and all kinds of microorganisms that cause diseases could accumulate. In this study carried out by the Max Peralta Hospital in Costa Rica, the same is affirmed, but in relation to the nails of the health workers.

In the event that we injure a finger and if the acrylic nail is damaged, it will be more prone to accumulate dirt, viruses or bacteria. When this happens, it is necessary to remove the product and replace a new one as soon as possible.


Allergic reactions are the order of the day when we put on these nails. Everything is due to the plastic and toxic ingredients that they carry in their composition. As a consequence, we can suffer red, swollen and very itchy fingers.

In conclusion, wearing acrylic nails is a decision that should not be taken lightly. If you still want to use them, try to get them done in specialized centers with a qualified professional and a well-ventilated environment. Also, bring your own file and analyze any changes, ailments or symptoms in your nails and fingers.

If necessary, remove the nail that is causing the problem until the pain subsides. Finally, whenever possible, let your nails “rest” from having that acrylic glued on every now and then.

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