Mind Tricks To Help You Lose Weight

There are a number of mental tricks that can be used to achieve goals such as losing weight or exercising more. However, the most important thing when applying them is to try to maintain coherence and constancy, because without this it is difficult to obtain true results.

Sometimes the best way to move forward and achieve results is by working your mind. If we learn to motivate her, we can get a lot out of it and make things easier for ourselves. For example, thinking about the benefits of exercising every day is a good way to continue exercising, but along with this you have to take other steps to reinforce the idea and keep your enthusiasm alive.

Mental tricks

Below we will discuss some mental tricks that can help you eat better and moderate the amounts, but remember that if you have questions about how to lead a healthy lifestyle, depending on your needs and goals, it is best to consult with your doctor.

1. Use smaller plates

Clean cutlery on a plate.

According to some beliefs, eating from smaller plates can help maintain moderation and avoid over-serving. However, there are those who believe that doing this is not effectively fooling the brain and that there is a greater risk of ending up using multiple servings to try to make up for the initial serving size.

Despite the controversies, there are those who decide to do without large plates and begin to eat from smaller plates and the rule is that, if they are going to repeat something, this must be vegetables, vegetables or proteins.

2. Give more prominence to vegetables and less to flours

Another trick to lose weight is to start thinking of vegetables as the protagonists of meals. In this way, we will be able to reduce carbohydrates (pasta, rice, etc.), and take more advantage of what plant-based foods provide us. Be careful, it is not about eliminating carbohydrates completely, but about not giving them the leading role in the dishes.

2. Count the number of times you chew food

You can start doing it as a game that helps you savor your food and eat more mindfully. Count the number of times you chew each food and try to increase the number in each bite.

In this way, you avoid eating quickly and over and over again and you can feel more satisfied without feeling about to explode. It also helps make later decisions much healthier and losing weight will be a simple task.

Also, eating slowly is a way to be grateful for what you have on your plate. It is important to foster a philosophy of respect for our food, and one way to do this is to savor it more carefully.

Girl eating healthy and slowly.

3. Eat on your plate, not straight from the containers

Eating straight out of containers can easily cause us to lose moderation and eat much more than we actually need to satisfy our appetite. For this reason, as far as possible, we must try to serve our food on a plate and eat calmly, sitting down.

4. Divide large containers into smaller ones

There are those who consider that placing their food in small containers helps to avoid excesses when it comes to eating. So the fourth of these brain teasers is  placing your food in little plastic bags or containers. This helps you feel like you’re eating the whole package and it also satisfies your brain in a way.

For example, divide the bag of nuts – such as walnuts, almonds, or peanuts – into more bags or smaller containers. So when you feel a craving for something salty or hunger between meals, you just have to grab a small bag and eat whatever is in it. Not all the nuts you have at home.

An important point to remember: do not eat directly from a package, but serve the portion in a container.

5. Put the healthiest foods in sight

Woman taking a lemon from the refrigerator.

Another one of the mental tricks to eating healthy and avoiding industrial groceries on a daily basis is simply to put the healthiest foods in sight and on hand. To do this, we must clean, cut and store them in comfortable and practical ways.

It is not the same to have a drawer with carrots, without washing or peeling, than some carrots already washed, cut into sticks and stored in a glass container, ready to eat when we feel like it. Either alone, with a little hummus or any other sauce of our choice.

Learning to eat is learning to make smart decisions

When adopting a diet to lose weight, it is convenient to take into account a series of mental tricks to avoid falling into bad eating habits.

The mental tricks we decide to adopt can help us make smarter choices when it comes to eating and lead a healthy lifestyle, effortlessly.

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