If You Fall Seven Times, Get Up Eight

After a painful situation, it is best to give yourself time to grieve. It is normal that you feel bad. However, it is necessary not to anchor yourself in sadness, to get up again and move on.

If you fall, stand up. We all know the theory but how difficult it is to carry it out when we are going through a bad time! Throughout life, there are many moments when we fall, but we must get up, because there is still a long way to go.

Anguish, depressions, frustrations, stress … life is full of circumstances that take us from the highest to the lowest. What can we do? We give up? Although everything seems to be lost, we must continue. Life will go on with or without us. Let’s dive into this below.

There’s always hope

Woman looking out the window with coffee in hand.

It is normal that, if you are going through a bad period in your life, you see everything without hope. However, everything will start to fill with light after a while. When this bump has passed, you will see how you will get up easily. It is normal that now you see everything black.

One of the problems that can affect us at those times is depression; a mood disorder that can make us feel sad, down, and not in the mood for anything. Unlike sadness, depression persists over time. With this, hopelessness can also appear.

Despite all this, we must avoid getting carried away by it. Depression can arise from a loss, from a serious problem, because we have just been fired from work… But, even if you don’t see a way out now, believe us: there is. You think you are in a well. Get up, because there is hope.

You cannot see this hope, because one thing we do wrong is to enhance that malaise in which we find ourselves. If we are bad, we will do everything possible to be even worse. There are people who find it useful to fall to the depths, because only then can they get up.

You don’t feel like anything

It is normal that, when you find yourself going through a bad situation, you do not feel like anything. Sometimes we do not leave the house, we lock ourselves in, we put aside our friends and we just sink into our deep pain.

This can be beneficial in meeting our inner self, listening to it, and learning from all this pain. Going through something that makes us suffer is not really a negative thing. We must experience it in order to overcome that which has hurt us so much. If we didn’t suffer, we would never get over it.

This is why we must fall, but not let ourselves be carried away. Even if you don’t want to do anything, or to live, or to take care of yourself, you are strong. Yes, you are strong and in your innermost self you know that you are going to overcome this. Your survival instinct will prevent you from letting yourself be beaten.

For that reason, pass that “duel”, endure it, feel it, so that later you can be reborn as a phoenix. Learn even from your most painful moments, because it is from them that you can learn the most, about the world and about yourself.

It’s time, get up!

Now is the time for you, after that period of pain, to reflect on how you have acted. You fell, it’s normal. We all trip over stones over and over again on our way  but, because the world is full of stones!

woman walking barefoot

The question is… When you fall, do you stay on the ground? You are ashamed, that’s true, but you force yourself to get up. When you are going through a bad time, think about this: if you fall 7 times, get up 8.

The most negative moments will allow you to get to know yourself and know how long you need to be submerged in that pain and when will be the moment when you use all your strength and have to get up.

Of course, being sad one day is different than going through depression. But the result is the same: you will end up getting up. Never give up, because it won’t be the last time you run into a problem. Suffering, falling, is part of our path, the important thing is to keep getting up.

Note: what has been set out here are guidelines. If you consider that they do not apply to your case, we recommend consulting with a psychologist so that you can find the best strategy for you.

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