How To Prevent Deafness?

Did you know that the kidneys or the jaw are related to the auditory system? Thanks to some massages and natural remedies, we can help prevent some problems of this such as deafness

Deafness is a disorder that prevents you from hearing properly, and may even prevent you from hearing something at all. Hearing loss can occur from different causes and can be permanent or transitory. In this article, we tell you what you can do to prevent deafness.

The most important thing is that, when we notice the first symptoms, we go to the doctor to make a diagnosis and determine its cause. This way we will avoid a progressive deterioration.

Among the causes identified by the National Library of Medicine of the United States, are mainly hereditary factors. However, there are also cases caused by trauma or exposure to too loud noises on a regular basis, and it is even worth mentioning natural aging.

In specific deafness we must not forget the possibility of  plugging in the outer or middle ear, infections or otitis.

With that said, it’s time you found out what other factors might play a role in the onset of deafness and what you can do about them. Take note!

Deafness and the kidney

Despite the absence of scientific endorsement in this regard, according to natural medicine, there would be organic issues that could cause partial deafness and worsen over time. One of them would be the relationship between the ears and the kidneys.

Therefore, alternative medicine specialists maintain that, if we have had kidney disease or have a family history, it could help us to carry out a natural treatment focused on improving kidney function. Then it would be assessed whether hearing ability has improved. Taking care, then, of the kidneys would be a way to prevent deafness.

Exposure to loud noises

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , prolonged exposure to loud noise could lead to deafness. For this reason, it is recommended to use protections such as helmets and insulating materials, if you work in construction or in a factory. On the other hand, avoid listening to music at high volumes, especially with headphones.

Poor hygiene

The accumulation of wax in the ear could cause temporary deafness. For this reason, it is good to maintain adequate hygiene in the area, avoiding the use of cotton sticks that push the dirt inside.

If we feel that we are losing hearing, we must go to a specialist to analyze if the reason could be the wax or accumulated liquid or another cause.

Jaw tension

According to data from the Chilean Medical Journal, jaw tension or bruxism could be a factor that causes deafness. This is due to the jaw pressure on the hearing area.

To rule out this cause, we must first relax our nervous system if we are experiencing stages of stress or emotional problems that cause us to clench our jaw during the day or night.

We could, for example, resort to massages or relaxing therapies. Ayurveda medicine would surely recommend the intake of Bach flowers and other medicinal plants such as lemon balm, passionflower or valerian.

Massage on the ear.

We can also go to a craniosacral osteopath and perform relaxing exercises ourselves, massaging the area of ​​the maxillary joint, located in front of the ears, almost below the cheekbones.

Likewise, we will spend a few minutes each day opening and closing our mouths, and moving it in all the directions we can.  We will always do it gently and avoiding sudden movements.

The main way to prevent deafness is to be attentive to the use and abuse that we make of different means of communication (such as, for example, if we listen to the television or music very loudly). In addition, it is essential that before the symptoms of hearing loss, we immediately go to a specialist to receive a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Images courtesy of diekatrin and artfulblogger

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