How To Strengthen The Respiratory System In A Natural Way

With the changes of season and temperature, we can suffer from ailments of the respiratory system such as colds and colds. Many times this is because our body is weak or does not have the necessary defenses to deal with the viruses that surround us.

In the following article you will learn to strengthen the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes naturally.

Respiratory system, free radicals and antioxidants


The respiratory system is, without a doubt, one of the most important systems that humans and many animal species have because it allows oxygen to enter our body. Something fundamental for life.

While breathing is a mechanical act, we may not do it properly. This means that depending on the way we breathe in and breathe out, we may be contributing to our health or the opposite.

For this reason it is very important to learn to breathe slowly and deeply … As if we were in a continuous meditation or yoga class. In addition, this can help free radicals have less impact on our body.

How do these substances affect the body? Through pollution, smog , cigarette, etc. All these factors cause damage to the body and can contribute to the aging of our cells.

And what about airborne viruses? They can also make us sick. Microorganisms that enter the body and are not stopped by the defense system cause colds, angina or bronchitis, among others.

However, to avoid being affected, we can do something about it. How? Helping antioxidants to develop and fulfill their daily tasks.

The 3 most powerful antioxidants for the respiratory system

Vitamin C

Surely you have ever heard “eat oranges so you don’t get the flu.” This is totally true!

Studies carried out at the University of Nottingham indicate that those with high levels of vitamin C enjoy 25% more lung activity. This means that the respiratory system is better prepared to defend itself against external attacks.

Adult men should consume 90 mg of vitamin C a day and adult women, 75 mg. What are the best sources of this nutrient (besides citrus)?

  • Broccoli
  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Blueberry
  • lime
  • Kiwi

Vitamin E


It is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals, but it also has the ability to “accumulate” in the body for special attacks or if for a few days it does not receive more allies through ingestion.

Both men and women should consume 15 mg of vitamin E a day.

The foods that contain it in the highest proportion are:

  • Vegetable oils
  • Peanuts
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Avocado
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Tomato
  • Wheat germ
  • Peach


It is not a drug but one of the components of grapes and especially one of its derivatives: red wine. It has the ability to improve respiratory and cardiovascular health.

It is proven that the antioxidants in resveratrol can reverse lung damage caused by smoking and also reduce inflammation of lung cells.

Take care of the respiratory system naturally

Take care of the respiratory system

The medicinal plants consumed as infusion or meals can help us to prevent or treat a variety of typical conditions related to the respiratory system, including:

  • Seasonal rhinitis and sinusitis
  • Flu and cold
  • Pharyngitis, bronchitis, and cough
  • Asthma
  • Tonsillitis
  • Allergies
  • Otitis

Would you like to know which ones are they? Here we detail the most important ones:


It is one of the most popular plants for treating respiratory problems. It is an expectorant and a bronchodilator. One way to take advantage of its properties is to inhale the eucalyptus vapor.

Put a handful in a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. Bring your face close, being careful not to burn yourself, and breathe normally.

Another option is to use eucalyptus essential oil to massage and scrub the chest and back. Some people also use it in steam inhalations. If you want, you always have the alternative of preparing a tea with the dried fruits and leaves of the tree.


This plant protects the body and improves the function of the defenses to face bacteria. Its great immunizing power allows treating several of the aforementioned conditions.

In turn, it has the ability to deflate the nasal passages and, as it is an expectorant, it helps the body eliminate phlegm and mucus.

Pine tree

As for pine, it is a great antiseptic that relieves various respiratory disorders (especially laryngitis, bronchitis and flu). You can use pine essential oil to massage your chest or do steam inhalations.


It is perfect for bronchitis and nasal congestion (sinusitis). It deflates the sinuses and helps to expel mucus. It is also a great tonic and immediately refreshes the throat.

You can make a tea from the dried leaves of the plant or apply a drop of the essential oil to the sides of your stuffy nose.



This aromatic plant has very good properties to relieve typical respiratory ailments. It also relaxes the muscles of the rib cage, making it perfect when there is difficulty breathing or too much coughing.

Make a tea with dried leaves or use the essential oil for a massage and steam inhalations.

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