9 Rules To Raise Strong Children

Raising strong children is a difficult task for parents, since there is no manual or guide to do it. To make your children grow up strong and happy, you can teach them some rules, so that they learn to react to situations in life.

Strength can be synonymous with responsibility, self-control, knowing how to tolerate frustration and not being carried away by pain or bad experiences, as well as meeting personal goals despite difficulties.

It is not an easy road. Therefore, below, we present some recommendations that can be useful to educate children in strength.

Rules for raising strong children

Little girl support mother

1. Teach them that there are limits

Explain to your children that there are limits and that actions have consequences. When they do not obey the instructions you give them, you can warn them that they will not be able to carry out the activities they want.

A good method for children to grow up strong can be to reinforce good behaviors and correct those that are not so good. This is what is known as positive reinforcement.

2. Support good things to raise strong children

When they solve a problem without your help, show your support with a kind or loving gesture. It’s better than a wake-up call or punishment, even if they deserve it. Speaking offensive words to children could negatively affect their feelings. Express them with a hug how wonderful, intelligent and beautiful they are. Help, thus, to cultivate the self-esteem of your little ones.

3. Set an example

Children often imitate their parents’ behaviors, good or bad. For this reason, it is important that we always reinforce good habits, as well as good customs.

You can practice it daily and so you can see that little by little you will be raising strong children: children who will respect the rules and learn the correct habits.

4. Let them take risks

Some parents are often overprotective with their children, even protecting them from situations that do not warrant it. Consequently, the little ones will complain about everything that happens to them and they will always want to be comforted.

It is certainly positive to support them physically and emotionally, but up to a limit, since children must solve the situations that arise by themselves, in this way strong children are raised.

5. Communicate with children

With a word, a look or a simple gesture we can express to our children what we feel. This is why it is always good to have time to talk to them.

Talk to the children

Let them explain how they feel or what they feel at certain times. Ask them what they think about a topic. With this action you will express to them that you listen to them and that their opinion is important.

6. Recognize that parents are also wrong

It is important that you acknowledge and apologize when you make a mistake with your children. Apologizing to the little ones for a mistake made does not mean that we are bad parents.

On the contrary, you will show them that you know how to recognize your mistakes. You can also teach them that people can make mistakes and how important it is to recognize and correct it.

7. Avoid comparisons to have strong children

There are situations in which, without realizing it, parents compare our children with their siblings, relatives or friends. Avoid phrases like: “your sister is smarter than you; “Your cousin can and you can’t.”

If you express things like “you can dance just like your sister; you are as strong as your friend ”, you will make their feeling of frustration change and they will be encouraged to try again. Remember that each child is unique and that not all act in the same way.

8. You are his father not a friend

Establish discipline between father and son to raise strong children.

It is true that there must be trust between parents and children. And this is indicated by this work carried out by the professional Concepción Naval-Durán. However, children need to know that their treatment of their parents must be different from that of their friends.

They must know that you are in a higher echelon; you will give them care and protection, but they must also comply with the rules. Being a good parent is not constantly approving the actions of your children, it is teaching and advising them when they need it.

9. Support them to recognize their emotions

As parents, we always think that children should be constantly happy, since they are children and they do not have to worry. However, like adults, they feel different emotions.

For this reason, strong children must be raised so that they can differentiate feelings when they manifest themselves. And this is evidenced by this article by professionals from the University of Barcelona.

In short, with the constant change in society, strong children must be raised so that they can tolerate the different situations that arise during the course of their lives. To achieve this, in addition to giving them a good academic education, it can be important to teach about emotions during childhood, so they can be successful people.

However, what we have presented here is indicative information. We recommend that you consult with a specialist if you need help with your children’s education.

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