8 Natural Tricks To Strengthen Your Bones

Did you know that by exercising with weights, in addition to working your muscles, you are also strengthening your bones? This way you minimize the risk of suffering from osteoporosis and possible fractures

Have you thought about whether you need to strengthen your bones? Can you identify the moment when you should do it? Here we tell you more about this topic.

The human body is made up of 206 bones that vary in length, width, and function. that meet within the skeletal system.

The bones They are joined by the joints, which allow movement. In turn, the bones are separated by cartilage. These prevent them from rubbing against each other and wearing out.

It can be said that the main functions of the bone system are the following:

  • Support all body weight.
  • Allow movement.
  • Protect the vital organs that lie in some of its cavities.

Given the importance of this system, it is important to take care of it and follow the advice that allows you to strengthen your bones and keep them healthy.

Tips to strengthen your bones

A publication in the National Center for Biotechnology Information points out that there is much we can do to take care of our bone health from infancy to old age. This even allows us to improve the quality of life in general. Let’s see some tips below.

1. Eat vegetables

Basket with vegetables.

In general, all vegetables are great allies to strengthen your bones and maintain good health. Its vitamin C content promotes the production of cells that form bones

According to a study published in the journal PLoS One , the consumption of vegetables, as well as fruits, helps maintain bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis in middle-aged and elderly adults. 

2. Consume protein

If enough protein is not ingested, the percentage of calcium absorption by the bones decreases . Research published in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research indicates that dietary protein represents key nutrients for bone health. 

It is estimated that an amount equal to 100 grams per day could be beneficial for:

  • Maintain bone mass in the years after menopause.
  • Reduce the risk of fractures in old age.

3. Eat foods rich in calcium

The daily consumption of these foods is key to strengthening your bones. This is because calcium is one of the main minerals that make up bone structure, as explained in a publication in the journal Nutrients

  • The most effective way for calcium to be absorbed is to ingest it throughout the day at different meals .
  • Although there is the possibility of consuming a supplement, we always recommend opting for natural options. Check with your doctor about it.

If you only eat one serving of calcium-rich foods a day, it may not be enough and you may be deficient.

4. Get enough vitamin D

According to information in the Nutrients magazine , this vitamin helps to absorb and fix calcium in the bones. You can get it from eating fish, liver, and cheese or from sun exposure.

Many people are deficient in this vitamin and must take supplements to have an optimal level and not suffer from osteopenia or osteoporosis in the future.

A good idea to strengthen your bones is to go for a 30 minute walk a day in the park . Just be sure to wear sunscreen to avoid burns.

5. Avoid very low calorie diets

What happens to the body when you stop eating carbohydrates?

These kinds of diet, in addition to slowing down the metabolism, damage muscle mass and increase anxiety. They also negatively affect bone structure by reducing its density.

When trying to lose weight it is important that you make sure you have a varied and balanced diet to strengthen your bones at the same time. This means that there should be a good dose of vegetables with some protein and a small portion of healthy fats. .

Never go on a diet on your own. Consult with the specialist so that you can diagram a diet based on your tastes and nutritional needs.

6. Collagen

Although there is not enough evidence yet on its benefits, ingesting collagens could help strengthen your bones. A study published in the journal Nutrients determined that taking specific collagen peptides (SCP) can help improve bone density in postmenopausal women.

7. Eat foods rich in magnesium and zinc

In addition to calcium, magnesium and zinc are also present in bones, as explained in a publication in Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism . E n with vitamin D, magnesium allows the absorption of calcium.

The zinc promotes the formation of bone marrow cells and prevents excessive breakdown of bone. To get this mineral we must incorporate into our diet:

  • Spinach
  • Shrimp
  • Flax and pumpkin seeds
  • Beef

8. Exercises with weights

They are very effective in improving bone density and decreasing turnover markers and inflammation, according to information revealed in  Harvard Health Publishing

This type of exercise Not only does it promote the growth of muscle mass, but it also helps strengthen bones. Thus, adolescents and young adults who exercise with weights favor the strengthening and creation of their bone mass.

Strengthening your bones is very simple

As you can see, keeping your bones strong and healthy is not that difficult. It is enough to incorporate some foods into our diet and do a little physical exercise to achieve greater bone density.

With these small changes you will have less risk of developing osteoporosis and serious fractures in old age . Still, be sure to see your doctor if you suspect a bone problem.

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