8 Natural Alternatives To Replace Sugar

To sweeten your food, opt for natural options. In moderation, you will reap benefits and avoid sugar-related health problems.

Despite its delicious taste, sugar is capable of triggering health problems if you consume it in high amounts. These include obesity, heart disease, diabetes … But luckily, there are ways to substitute sugar in foods and beverages.

As the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) corroborates, there are more natural ways to sweeten foods. What are its benefits? Coming up next, we tell you.

Products to replace sugar

Maintaining a good diet is essential to achieve a healthy weight. Along these lines, the World Health Organization (WHO) advises that sugar intake does not exceed 5% of the total calories consumed.

If you intend to achieve it, we give you some natural alternatives so that you can substitute it to taste. Take aim!

1. Stevia

Extracted from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana bush , stevia is one of the most widely used natural sweeteners to replace sugar, especially by those who want to lose weight.

This is because it  contains fewer calories and does not promote weight gain. In addition, according to the results of a study published in 2016 by the Journal of Food and Agriculture Science , it reduces blood glucose and insulin levels. In this way, it helps fight diabetes.

Stevia pills on a wooden spoon.

It is used in powder or liquid, and each presentation can vary its flavor depending on the amount of sweet compounds it has. Therefore, there are  some that may taste better to you than others.

2. Coconut sugar

Coconut sugar contains fiber and nutrients. Although it is considered healthier than regular sugar, the truth is that it also has fructose (carbohydrate found in vegetables, fruits and honey); so it should be consumed in moderation.

This could be a good alternative, but you must be careful. Use it in small amounts to sweeten juices, teas or some foods.

3. Erythritol

According to information collected from the United States National Library of Medicine, erythritol is a sugar alcohol that  contains fewer calories. This makes it a good option to sweeten foods or drinks without gaining weight.

vegetables in the shape of a heart and a stethoscope.

Its consumption is also efficient for people with diabetes; as it does not increase blood glucose and insulin levels. Of course, it must be consumed in moderation because, in excess, it can cause diarrhea.

4. Yacon syrup

Yacon syrup is extracted from the plant of the same name. It has a sweet taste, it is dark and its consistency is thick (similar to molasses).

As an essay published in 2016 by the Altoandinas Research Journal indicates , it contains significant amounts of fructooligosaccharides; a type of sugar molecule that is capable of replacing fat. For this reason, like erythritol, no major harmful effects are attributed to the body.

However, although it is considered safe, the truth is that ingesting this syrup in excess is capable of causing digestive discomfort. The most common are gas and diarrhea.

5. Xylitol, a good alternative to replace sugar

It is another alcohol with a similar sweetness, but it does not increase blood glucose levels. Sugar tends to increase these levels because it has fructose among its components. In contrast, xylitol does not contain it.

Jar with xylitol.

Additionally, the California Dental Association notes that this compound has the ability to reduce the risk of cavities; strengthening bone density. This is mainly due to the increased absorption of calcium in the body .

6. Honey

It could not be missed! Honey contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. But, like sugar and other substitutes, it should not be consumed in excess; so do not get carried away by its delicious flavor.

A teaspoon will be enough to sweeten coffee and other drinks.

7. Molasses

It has a consistency similar to that of honey, although it is of a darker color. It has nutrients that support bone and heart health. In turn, it helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Molasses drink.

For this reason, it is a suitable option for patients with diabetes to sweeten their food and drinks. Add just a teaspoon of molasses to whatever you want to sweeten.

8. Maple syrup

Maple syrup contains minerals and antioxidants. Among its capabilities, it stands out that:

  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Helps muscle recovery.
  • If it is not abused, it maintains blood sugar levels.

But, without a doubt, what stands out the most about this alternative is that some consider that it contributes to reducing anxiety because it is a satiating food. In this way, if you eat it, you will avoid possible “binges” or overeating; thus minimizing a possible risk of obesity.

However, despite the fact that in 2019 research has already been carried out (such as the following trial in mice published by the Nutrition and Metabolism Journal ), the truth is that more studies are necessary. And, like everything, it should be consumed in the right amounts.

Check with your doctor before substituting refined sugar

As you have seen, nature offers you varied options to enjoy sweets in a balanced and nutritious way.

In turn, if you are in the risk group for diabetes or other diseases related to this food, substituting sugar for one of these options could lower the odds. So do not hesitate to consult with your doctor before including any element in the diet.

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