7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Grape Seeds

Eating grape seeds provides great benefits to the body. However, most people who consume this fruit make the mistake of removing the small seeds because they do not taste as pleasant as the pulp.

The truth is that  precisely that part that is wasted so much is the one that contains the most properties, since it concentrates a large amount of nutrients. In fact, the cosmetic industry and medicine use these seeds to make natural remedies that can prevent and treat different pathologies.

However, its consumption in its natural state is also recommended. Despite their bitter taste, they could help the body to optimize each of its functions. Therefore, we want to share 7 reasons why you should eat grape seeds. It’s amazing!

Why eat grape seeds?

1. They are rich in antioxidants

Grape seeds are rich in compounds known as phenolics, tococerol and proanthocyanidins whose antioxidant action has the ability to protect the body from oxidative damage caused by free radical molecules.

The following study shows these properties. It also mentions the presence of resveratrol in grape seed as a protective factor against some types of cancer.

They also make a significant contribution of vitamin C and beta-carotene, famous for counteracting a large number of external negative effects that directly influence health.

2. They help purify the blood

Representation of blood flow

Thanks to their nutritional richness and high contribution of antioxidant compounds, these seeds could also help purify the blood to eliminate the waste of medicines and other harmful elements that accumulate in the stream.

Due to this, they are appropriate for those who suffer or are at risk of suffering from a heart condition. This is so because, among other things, they stimulate blood circulation and prevent the formation of thrombi.

There are no articles in the bibliography that evidence this claim. However, the “Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics” talks about the beneficial action of grape seed on blood pressure, lipid profile and heart rate.

3. They could prevent cancer

Due to their high antioxidant content, these seeds could be helpful in the fight against breast, skin and prostate cancer. Its action against free radicals could stop cell damage, which is one of the reasons why it increases the risk of developing these pathologies.

The following study shows the anticancer potential of resveratrol, the antioxidant present in grape seeds.

4. Reduces the harmful effects of tobacco

Both smokers and passive smokers benefit from the nutrients in grape seeds to reduce the harmful impacts generated by the toxic compounds they contain. Being able to purify the blood, much of the waste is eliminated and this generates a protective effect on the body.

However, no scientific articles have been found to support this theory.

5. They are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory

For its antibacterial properties, eating grape seeds could help inhibit microbial growth to prevent and treat different types of infections.

In addition to this, it has an anti-inflammatory effect that could reduce inflammatory processes in the body. Thus, they could act positively in the treatment of health disorders such as:

  • The arthritis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Retention of liquids.
  • Colitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Urine infection.

The regular consumption of grape seeds can improve the symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases according to the following study.

6. Prevents premature aging

Eyes with wrinkles from premature aging

One of the main benefits they provide is attributed to the antioxidants OPC, whose action inhibits the activity of malignant molecules, preventing premature aging of the skin and organs, tissues and cells.

Due to this benefit, its regular intake represents a way to keep the body young and wrinkle-free. And you avoid wearing aging skin before your time.

Resveratrol is an effective antioxidant in the fight against aging according to the journal “Biofactors”.

7. Protects the lungs

Due to its antibacterial, antihistamine and antiallergic compounds, it protects and strengthens the lungs to prevent possible infections and other diseases that impair their functioning.

In addition, thanks to its ability to strengthen the immune system, it reduces the risk of contracting the flu, cold and other conditions associated with the respiratory system.

However, this theory is not supported in the scientific literature, no articles have been found about it.

How to consume them?

You can eat grape seeds in their natural state, that is, with the whole fruit. However, they are also marketed in extract or capsules to include them more regularly in the diet.

The maximum dose is 300 mg per day. However, if they are consumed in their natural form, the desired amount can be ingested. A good idea is to take advantage of them in the preparation of smoothies, soups, cocktails or desserts.

Eat them! Its flavor may not be the most pleasant, but it is not unbearable either. Knowing all the benefits they can bring, it  is worth starting to take advantage of them from now on.

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