7 Habits To Say Goodbye To Heartburn Effectively

Heartburn is a very unpleasant annoyance that can have serious consequences for our body. Adopting some good habits can help us prevent it.

Has it happened to you that after eating a burning sensation and discomfort appears in your stomach? This discomfort is known as heartburn. It occurs after eating large amounts or consuming spicy or fatty foods.

If your day-to-day life is very constant, it may be that acquiring these habits will help you to calm this inconvenience. Now, if the symptoms persist, it is advisable to seek the advice of a professional in the area.

What is heartburn?

Heartburn in the stomach is the result of gastroesophageal reflux disease. It occurs when there is a return of the reflux of food from the stomach to the esophagus. This creates a burning sensation and chest pain as it rises from the stomach. If a person frequently suffers from heartburn or acid reflux, at least twice a week, they suffer from heartburn.

What are the main causes of gastric reflux?

Stomach with flames.

One of the most common factors in reflux is acidic foods. Among these we find:

  • Tomato.
  • Citrus fruits like lemon.
  • Spicy foods

Also some habits such as the consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco can develop heartburn. Other causes can be diabetes and asthma. Also, by pressing very hard on the abdomen, the lower esophageal sphincter can allow food to flow back into the esophagus. This causes the heartburn and even the throat, since the reflux can reach the mouth. For this reason, some overweight people or pregnant women suffer from heartburn.

Similarly, some medications can influence this situation:

  • Anticholinergics, beta blockers, progestogen and theophylline.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants.
  • Some sedatives for anxiety.

Most common symptoms

Due to this discomfort, the acid found in the stomach backs up into the esophagus causing pain and burning. It may feel like a spasm or a sharp pain behind the breastbone. Some people perceive this pain as a heart attack.

Heartburn can spread to the chest and part of the throat, causing a bitter taste that spreads to the palate. On certain occasions, when the acid reaches the larynx, it can cause coughing and hoarseness in patients. When it comes to a severe heartburn problem, tooth enamel can even deteriorate.

7 habits to avoid heartburn

To avoid heartburn, the first thing you should do is visit your doctor to find out the severity of the problem. Once you know this, you can develop habits that provide improvement and relieve burning as much as possible. It is important to have the support of your doctor to find the best solution.

You should know that your lifestyle can help prevent and alleviate the most annoying symptoms caused by this disease and all its variants. That said, here are some habits that can help you.

1. Eat slowly

Woman eating a plate of salad.

Eating the right food can help keep your stomach acid reflux low. For this, it is important to chew food very well. This guarantees its quick, simple decomposition and that digestion takes less time. If this is done properly, the stomach will not return acid and the problem will not be aggravated.

2. Avoid triggers

There are many foods that trigger heartburn. Especially some beverages, such as those containing caffeine, sodas, citrus juices, and alcohol. Putting them aside will avoid many discomforts. In that sense, you must identify those that cause this discomfort and regulate their consumption.

3. Eat regularly

To relieve heartburn, it is necessary to control the timing of meals, as well as the number of servings. Try to divide your food well, forget about heavy meals and eat small plates more often instead .

4. Sleep well

One habit that can lead to stomach upset for people with reflux is sleeping inadequately. The position in which you sleep can put pressure on the abdomen and cause acid reflux to escape. To avoid this, try not to sleep on the right side. Some specialists recommend lying on your back or lying on the left side.

5. Maintain a healthy weight

Excess body weight can lead to many health problems. Among the most common are cardiovascular ailments and other problems such as acid reflux. This is because the accumulated fat in the belly presses against the stomach and causes the acid to move up the esophagus; at the same time it causes digestion to be slower.

6. No smoking

Woman breaking a cigarette.

Scientific studies have shown that nicotine causes stomach acid to turn upward and cause burning, as well as other discomforts. This means that smokers suffer more from heartburn compared to people who do not have this habit.

7. Avoid over-the-counter medications

Don’t make the mistake of taking over-the-counter medications to relieve stomach ailments or symptoms. It is important that, before, you visit the doctor to know the true cause of the problem. That way you will get the proper diagnosis and prescription. In the long term, over-the-counter medications can be detrimental to your health.

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