6 Reasons Why We Can’t Lose Belly Fat

When the weight decreases, the body activates certain defense mechanisms. This is why many people often lose several pounds at first without much effort, and then the weight loss stops. Do you know why you can’t lose belly fat?

The abdominal area is one of the most difficult when it comes to losing weight. Not only is it the one that tends to accumulate fat the most, but it also reflects the accumulation of fluids and toxins. So, to reduce its measurements, it is necessary to make various efforts, especially in terms of diet.

The problem is that many people adopt healthy habits and still cannot lose weight in this area of ​​the body. While this also depends on how well your metabolism works, it is sometimes the product of certain errors that are overlooked. Discover them!

Reasons why we can’t lose belly fat

A good diet and regular physical exercise are essential to lose abdominal fat. Now, if you’ve already tried both habits and they’re not working, something else may be going on.

If this is your case, the first measure we recommend is that you visit the nutritionist for a review of your particular case. Perhaps one of the situations that we will describe below is affecting you:

1. We are obsessed with eliminating all types of fat


When it comes to losing weight, we tend to become aware that we have to resist temptation and completely reduce fat consumption. Do you think this is really healthy? That we have to completely do without all those foods that contain some type of fat? No, it is not entirely correct, and we explain why:

  • There are fats that are healthy and necessary for our body, such as monounsaturated fatty acids.
  • Generally, what many people tend to do is replace fat with carbohydrates, and this, in the long term, does not help at all to eliminate abdominal fat.
  • To reduce overweight, our body needs an adequate level of fatty acids, or what is the same, the so-called “healthy fats”, which we can find, for example, in avocado, olive oil or walnuts.

2. Our state of mind

How do you feel when you are on a diet to lose weight? Usually anxiety to sadness is felt, and this relationship has been studied for many years. In this way, everything is mixed in a small emotional chaos, in which the desire to look better physically is combined with the daily stress and the pressure of a strict diet.

According to a study by the  Rush University Medical Center in Chicago (United States), it is common for women who feel sad or even suffer from depression tend to have marked abdominal fat. So remember: taking care of your emotions is just as important as taking care of your diet.

3. We are magnesium deficient


We have talked on numerous occasions about the great benefits of magnesium, but … did you know that this mineral plays an essential role in helping us lose weight?

  • The consumption of magnesium is very effective in balancing glucose levels in our body.
  • You can find magnesium in nuts, such as almonds, as well as legumes or cereals. However, you can also take capsules or supplements that are sold in pharmacies or specialized stores; never take them without a doctor’s recommendation.

4. We drink light  sodas

It is a mistake we make very often. When we follow a diet to lose weight, instead of completely dispensing with soft drinks, we start consuming so-called light or diet soft drinks. However, these are a major obstacle to losing belly fat.

Remember: when you want to lose weight or lose a little volume from your waist, stop drinking soft drinks and never make the mistake of consuming the light ones. Although they contain fewer calories, they are full of sugars and artificial components that are not good at all, as confirmed in this 2014 study.

5. Are you over 50 years old and you don’t exercise?

walking to lose belly fat

From the age of 50, our metabolism changes and it is no longer so easy to lose abdominal fat, no matter how much effort we make to control everything we eat.

It is important to combine a good diet with some daily exercise but, remember, the exercise must be aerobic, that is, it forces your heart and lungs to start up, to speed up breathing and thus improve their functions.

This type of exercise will help us reduce the fat stored in the abdomen, since the body will need it as a source of energy or fuel. So, do not hesitate: go for a walk, a run, a bike, dance, among others.

6. We eat few “brightly colored” foods

You may have been surprised by the “vivid colors.” What are we referring to by those words? A popular way to ensure a healthy diet (or at least varied in terms of vegetables and fruits) is to choose items in different colors. These are some examples that support this theory:

  • Lemons.
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruits (grapefruits).
  • Red peppers.
  • Watermelon.
  • Strawberry water.
  • Red grapes.
  • Pineapple.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Papaya.
  • Carrots

However, it is important to note that each organism has a different tolerance, and that the needs are not the same for all people. Therefore, it is best to always plan a diet with the supervision of a nutritionist.

Encourage yourself from today to follow your weight loss diet in a more correct and appropriate way. Losing abdominal fat is possible, as long as we do it well, with health and motivation, and without neglecting our emotions.

Remember also that excess fat in the abdomen is very dangerous to our health, and that it is one of the main risk factors for heart disease. How about we start putting these simple tips into practice today?

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