6 Benefits Of Reading That You Will Like To Know

Reading daily not only increases your vocabulary but could also be a good help to reduce stress levels. Learn more benefits of reading. You’ll be surprised!

Did you know that reading every day can reduce stress and promote cognitive health? Reading a good book is something that many people enjoy as much as any other daily activity. In fact, there are those who do it as a way to relax and forget the loads that accumulate during the day.

However, most are unaware of the benefits that reading has for the body. The English poet Joseph Addison knew this well when he said: ‘Reading is to the mind what physical exercise is to the body’. And, it certainly is. Here’s a list of the proven health benefits that reading can bring.

6 benefits of reading

Having the habit of reading can have several benefits, not only for the mind but also for health in general. Every time you read a book you are learning something new and exercising important parts of the brain to develop concentration and analysis. Learn more about the benefits of this practice below.

1. Decrease the stress level

Reading, for fun rather than homework, is said to help reduce stress. This is because when the body is relaxed, levels of cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress, are significantly reduced.

In relation to this, a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research , in which the effects of practices such as Tai Chi, brisk walking, meditation and reading were analyzed, points out that with only 6 minutes of relaxed reading a day it can reduce stress levels considerably.

2. Contributes to the quality of sleep

Another benefit of reading, when it is done at night before going to sleep, is that it helps the mind relax and forget the tensions accumulated during the day. This allows the body and mind to relax during the night.

Indeed, a Mayo Clinic publication suggests reading as part of a good sleep routine. On the other hand, it is important to keep in mind that it is best to do it with a physical or electronic book without any built-in light, since tablets and computers can interfere with a good rest.

This, according to an article by the Sleep Foundation , is due to the fact that the use of these electronic devices before sleeping, slows down the body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm) and suppresses the release of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

3. Helps delay cognitive decline

Reading is a good way to keep some cognitive functions in shape. Especially when certain skills are lost over the years. According to information from Psychology Today , reading daily helps exercise memory and enhance and maintain neural connections.

4. Reading improves vocabulary

Increasing vocabulary provides tools to think and express yourself more clearly. Regarding this, a study published in the Journal of Learning Disabilities states that students who read regularly, from an early age, develop a broad vocabulary.

This benefit can positively influence various areas of life such as communicating effectively and having greater critical ability. Therefore, it is advisable to start children in the habit of reading from an early age, when language begins to develop.

5. Promotes social relationships

Having the habit of reading on a daily basis provides knowledge on a wide range of topics, as well as an extensive vocabulary. That not only enriches you culturally, it also allows you to participate in conversations of all kinds, and improves your expression and communication skills.

Regarding the type of reading, an investigation in Science magazine comments that people who read literary fiction, a category of fiction that explores the lives of characters, may have a greater ability to understand the feelings of others.

Benefits of reading a few minutes a day.

6. Increase concentration

When reading, the focus is entirely on the text and what is happening around it is neglected. This, as an article from North Central University mentions , is one of the best ways to improve memory and concentration skills.

What should you keep in mind to start reading?

Like any activity, it is important to be consistent so that it becomes a habit. However, it is important that you research what your favorite genres are when reading so that this practice is as pleasant as possible. In addition, it is essential to start gradually with a few pages per day.

Do you like science fiction or novels? Or, on the contrary, do you feel more identified with the history books? Inquire a bit about your tastes and seek recommendations from your friends to make the most of the benefits of reading.

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