5 Simple Tips To Eliminate Rough And Darkened Elbows

Having rough elbows is very common, since this area of ​​the body is not usually paid attention to. Now, when the skin is not only dry and feels rough to the touch, but also darkens and tends to bother in certain positions, such as when supporting, is when we worry about remedying it.

Dry, rough elbows with a tone darker than the rest of the skin is an aesthetic problem that needs to be remedied as soon as possible. For this, it is usually recommended to apply a good moisturizer daily, as indicated by some research.

In some cases, it is recommended to add to said cream, a splash of some oil, such as almond or coconut, which not only have a pleasant aroma, but also contribute significantly to the hydration and nutrition of the skin.

5 tips to eliminate rough elbows

Below we will discuss other tips that are generally proposed to eliminate rough elbows in a short time.

1st tip to eliminate rough elbows: exfoliation with sugar and olive oil

Virgin olive oil

In some cases, a good exfoliation may help reduce the roughness of the elbows. To carry it out, you can be guided by the following recipe that we are going to share with you.


  • 3 tablespoons of sugar (about 30 g).
  • 5 teaspoons of olive oil (25 g).


  • First, mix the two ingredients in a bowl.
  • Next, take a cotton pad and dip it into the mixture.
  • Gently apply the exfoliating to your skin for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

2nd tip : apply cream regularly

After carefully exfoliating the skin on your elbows, apply a good moisturizer several times a day. In the moment, the skin will absorb all the cream and you will not have that oily feeling. As you do this on a daily basis, you will notice how your skin improves and looks better.

3rd tip: massage your elbows

Smearing a little olive, almond, coconut or castor oil on the elbows and proceeding to massage them for several minutes daily, can help you eliminate the roughness and bad appearance that they may have acquired through carelessness.

Natural coconut oil.

4th tip : get a moisturizing treatment with aloe vera and pink carpet

Rosehip oil is widely used in cosmetics, since it is considered to help take care of the skin, prevent dryness and other problems. And in many cases it is mixed with aloe vera gel, to obtain a formula much richer in nutrients. 


  • 3 teaspoons of aloe vera (15 g).
  • 10 drops of rosehip essential oil.


  • First, put the aloe vera and the carpet rose together in a bowl and mix them well with the help of a spoon.
  • Once you consider that both ingredients are well integrated, take a little of the mixture and apply it on your elbows.
  • Leave on overnight and rinse the next day with warm water and mild soap.
  • Always apply a moisturizer after each treatment.
  • Repeat this treatment about 3 times a week for best results.

Discover: 5 benefits of aloe vera gel to take care of your skin

5th tip: take advantage of the baking soda to exfoliate rough elbows

Why use this cleaning solution for your old towels?

Although this remedy is not entirely recommended in any case because lemon can irritate the skin and expose it to various injuries, there are those who take advantage of it in a timely manner, after having spent at least a week constantly hydrating this area of ​​the skin.


  • Warm water.
  • A few drops of lemon juice.
  • Baking soda (1 g).


  • Mix the baking soda with a little water. Once you have a paste, add a few drops of lemon juice and mix everything well again with the help of a spoon.
  • Apply the mixture on your elbows and massage for a couple of minutes. It is important that you do it gently so as not to mistreat the skin.
  • Rinse with plenty of soap and water.
  • Apply your usual moisturizer or a little coconut oil, olive oil or any other of your choice.
  • Never do this treatment during the day, as it can stain your skin. It is also important that you wash well after applying it, to make sure there are no traces of it on your skin.

What should you keep in mind about the recipes to lighten elbows?

The mixture of baking soda and lemon is very abrasive, so it must be used with great care and always after consulting a specialist. If applied on sensitive skin or with any disorder (psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.), the problem could be worsened.

The most important of all the procedures to improve the appearance of the skin of the elbows is that you learn to apply moisturizer regularly. This will prevent darkening, dryness and many other annoyances. Once again, we remind you that you can add a splash of almond or coconut oil to your cream to achieve better results, as well as greater softness.

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