5 Recipes With Pineapple To Treat Constipation

Discomfort in the digestive system is frequent and to combat them these recipes with pineapple can be a great ally.

Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme specialized in breaking down proteins to aid digestion. This research carried out by the Ramachandra University (India) ensures this, and also affirms that among its benefits is a powerful anti-inflammatory action.

High fiber foods

One of the healthiest habits is to incorporate products rich in fiber, such as fruits and cereals, into the diet to benefit intestinal transit and help purify the body.

Constipation can be a recurring problem, caused by abusing processed foods rich in fat and carbohydrates. In fact, the guide for the management of constipation published by the Spanish Foundation of the Digestive System emphasizes the reduction of this class of elements.

The lack of physical activity and the little intake of water or fruit juices also favor it.

Along with healthy eating, it is essential to abandon a sedentary lifestyle; A 20-minute walk a day to start the day will be of great help to our health.

Recipes with pineapple to treat constipation

1. Pineapple and celery smoothie



  • A regular size pineapple (300 g).
  • 1 bunch of celery (150 g).
  • 1 bunch of watercress leaves (100 g).
  • Water (1 liter).


  1. Peel the pineapple and cut it into small pieces.
  2. Wash the celery and watercress well.
  3. Place all the ingredients together with the liter of water in the blender.
  4. Blend well and serve.

2. Cabbage and pineapple salad


  • 1 cup and 1/4 of white or purple cabbage (200 g).
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (30 mL).
  • Handful of raisins (100 g).
  • 1 cup of pineapple in pieces (150 g).
  • 1 pinch of salt and pepper.


  1. Finely chop the cabbage into julienne strips and pass through hot water for a few minutes to soften it.
  2. Cut the pineapple into small pieces.
  3. Cut the raisins into small pieces.
  4. In a medium bowl mix all the ingredients and serve.


Mix the olive oil with the pepper and salt. Bathe the salad .

3. Juice, the easiest of recipes with pineapple



  • 1 lemon (30 g).
  • 1 cup of water (250 mL).
  • 2 slices of pineapple (50 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame (10 g).


  1. Brown the sesame seeds over low heat. Reserve it.
  2. Put the water, the lemon with the peel, the pineapple and the sesame in the blender.
  3. Blend until all the ingredients are well mixed.
  4. Serve cold.

4. Pineapple, chicken and red apple salad


  • A pineapple (300 g).
  • 1 medium lemon (30 g).
  • 1 red apple (40 g).
  • 2 pieces of chicken breast (150 g).
  • 4 lettuce leaves of any type (50 g).


  1. Peel and cut the pineapple into small pieces.
  2. Shred the chicken.
  3. Wash the apple very well. Remove the heart and cut into small pieces.
  4. In a cup mix all the ingredients and add the lemon juice to prevent the apple from browning

5. Shrimp and pineapple salad

Pineapple and shrimp salad.


  • 1 medium lemon (30 g).
  • 1 medium egg (60 g).
  • A small pineapple (200 g).
  • 1 pinch of salt and pepper.
  • 1 red onion, finely chopped (30 g).
  • 5 lettuce leaves (30 g).
  • 1/2 cup of olive oil (100 mL).
  • 1 cup of shrimp or prawns (200 g).


    1. Cook the shrimp or prawns in boiling water until they turn pink. They should be soft, but take care that they do not fall apart
    2. Place them in a glass container with ice and water for a few minutes. When they have lost the heat, they are peeled and divided into medium pieces.
    3. Four whole and peeled shrimp are reserved.
    4. Peel the pineapple and cut it into small pieces.
    5. Cut the egg into slices.
    6. Cut the lettuce leaves into pieces.
    7. In a cup, place the shrimp that had been reserved and cut into smaller pieces.
    8. Add the lettuce and pineapple.
    9. Spread the chopped onion to taste. If the strong touch of the onion is not desired, spring onions can be used.
    10. Lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper are added. It mixes gently.
    11. Garnish with the egg slices and the four whole shrimp.

    With fruit as a regular ingredient, these five recipes with pineapple to treat constipation will definitely help you relieve digestive difficulties.

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