5 Herbal Remedies That Help You Fight Bunions

If you want to fight bunions naturally, you need remedies that have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. In this sense, some medicinal plants such as turmeric, calendula or lavender can be very effective. Remember that before opting for any measure, you should consult your doctor.

Discover in this article which are the 5 best herbal remedies to combat bunions. Put an end to the discomfort caused by this bony bump on the big toe with the help of these medicinal plants.

What are bunions?

Bunions appear in the joints at the base of the big toe and are a protrusion of bone. These form when the bone or tissue of the finger joint is displaced and results in a bulge.

There are different factors that influence its appearance. Among them are the shape of the feet and the use of inappropriate shoes.

There are insoles, pads and correctors that help to gradually reposition the toes. It is also possible to perform rehabilitation exercises that can give good long-term results. However, in extreme cases you may have to resort to surgery.

Herbal remedies to fight bunions

Bunions, in addition to being unsightly, can be very annoying and affect your daily life, preventing you from performing normal activities. The first thing you should do is always go to the doctor’s office so that he can give you the most appropriate treatment for your case.

In addition, it is possible to make a series of changes in your routine, starting with wearing comfortable shoes and avoiding high heels. On the other hand, there are also plants that, thanks to their analgesic properties, can help you reduce discomfort.

We want to clarify that this is what we mean when we talk about “fighting” bunions, reducing inflammation and discomfort. No natural remedy is capable of completely curing this ailment. This can only be achieved with medical treatment. But this does not mean that natural products cannot be a good complement.

1. Calendula

For starters, it is possible to combat bunions with calendula. This orange flower is the base of many lotions for wounds, inflammations, cuts, stings, etc.

Applying calendula on the affected area helps to reduce inflammation, promote good circulation and prevent calluses. And how is it used?

  • You can use calendula-based lotions.
  • It is also possible to extract the juice from the flower, since very little is needed due to the small size of the area.
  • Finally, you can also apply its oil.

2. Chamomile

Chamomile is a plant well known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, as shown by various research. In this way, when you apply this flower on the bunions, you help calm the redness and prevent the problem from worsening.

Also, you probably already have this remedy at home, since it is a very common digestive infusion. But how is it used?

  • We recommend preparing foot baths with concentrated chamomile infusion and steeping for 20 or 30 minutes. You can do them every night before going to bed.
  • In addition, to enhance the effect you can later massage the affected area with chamomile essential oil.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric stands out for its medicinal properties. To begin with, several studies have shown that it is a good remedy to relieve pain, since it is anti-inflammatory and analgesic. In fact, one of its components, curcumin, is part of some anti-inflammatory creams.

In addition, more recent research, published in the journal Life Sciences , maintains that it has antioxidant and healing properties, so it can be ideal for alleviating and promoting the healing of many skin conditions. You have the option of combining its topical application with your daily consumption:

  • Topical : it is possible to apply turmeric powder directly on the bunions (with a little water, aloe vera or oil), as a healing lotion.
  • Consumption : we recommend combining turmeric with olive oil and black pepper. The combination of the curcumin in this spice with the healthy fats in the oil and the piperine in the pepper can enhance its effects.

However, as it is a stronger agent than the rest of the remedies that we propose here, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting to apply it, in case any interaction may occur.

4. Lavender

Lavender or lavender is one of the most common natural remedies, since thanks to its many benefits it can alleviate many disorders.

Some studies suggest that it could have some influence on the nervous system, which gives it anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties. In this way, lavender is a good complement to combat bunions, since it relieves discomfort.

  • We recommend applying a little lavender essential oil on the bunions.
  • You can also mix it with olive, almond or coconut oil to dilute it and perform a good foot massage.

In addition, this massage will produce a pleasant calming effect on the entire organism and will impregnate you with a delicious aroma.

Lavender to fight bunions

5. Ruda

Rue is a plant that, according to various studies, helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation. It stands out for its content in coumarins, flavonoids and vitamin C.

This plant is a great remedy to fight bunions naturally. It also helps in rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis.

  • To benefit from it, you only have to prepare an infusion of rue, in which you will immerse your feet for at least 15 minutes.
  • You must do this bath every day until you notice improvement. Afterwards, you can do them 3 times a week. This is a very effective remedy. You just have to be patient.

How to combat bunions with natural remedies?

All these plants that we have presented are easy to find and it is possible to find them in many establishments, such as herbalists. And we know that bunions can be very painful and affect daily life.

Therefore, it is best that, at the slightest suspicion, you go to the doctor. The earlier you start treatment, the more likely you are to be able to resolve the problem without surgery.

Also, feel free to use these remedies to relieve bunion inflammation and reduce pain. These can be a real relief!

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