4 Activities That Will Help You Discover How Wonderful It Is To Live

Immersed in routine, experimenting each day on automatic pilot, we forget to discover how wonderful it is to live. So, when the weekend arrives, we notice an emptiness and a bittersweet sensation that causes us great sadness.

As we grow up, it seems that we are gradually disconnecting from everything that we enjoyed so much as children. What used to surprise us, like a rainbow, is now something to which we hardly give any importance.

Perhaps this happens because the fact of surprising us at a certain age causes other people to dedicate us phrases such as the following:  “I do not know what you are surprised about if you have already seen them a thousand times” or “You look like a small child, it is only a rainbow” .

Phrases that we allow to wear us down and to abandon attitudes, and sometimes activities, that make us feel alive. So today we are going to put all this aside and discover how wonderful it is to live again.

Rediscover how wonderful it is to live

1. Fill your life with colors

Adult coloring

Yes, we mean it literally. Do you remember when was the last time you drew or colored something? Luckily, today it has become fashionable to color mandalas. However, we can not only find these types of drawings.

If you go to your nearest stationery store, it is very likely that you will find coloring books for adults. This is no longer just a hobby for the little ones. Something very understandable.

Coloring, drawing, painting … It has enormous benefits, for example, it helps us reduce stress. In addition, this activity transmits us joy and peace.

It connects us with our little “me” from the past who was able to discover how wonderful it is to live. Now it only remains to take time to retake it. Will you be able to do it?

2. Reconnect with nature

Many people tend to enjoy what is closest to them. For example, going to the movies, having dinner with friends, going for a walk in the parkā€¦ However, when was the last time you connected with nature? With the real one?

To connect with nature there are many activities that you can do and that we are going to expose below. Above all, if you live in the city, these will allow you to discover how wonderful it is to live again.

Let’s see what they can be:

  • Take a route or excursion on horseback through a natural area.
  • Enjoy a canoe route through rivers full of vegetation.
  • Go to a rural house, where you can also go hiking in the mountains.
  • Help plant trees.

There are many options for these types of activities that take us away from the busy life of the city and allow us to connect with tranquility, silence and nature. What activities related to nature do you like to do?

3. Practice mindfulness


Due to the aforementioned, our way of living not only disconnects us with life itself, but also with ourselves. To discover how wonderful it is to live, we have to give ourselves the pleasure of finding ourselves. And for that there is mindfulness.

There are several ways to practice mindfulness. We can take advantage of the fact that we are in nature to feel the air on our skin, to walk while we notice how our feet rest on the ground or to stop and focus on the present moment. The feeling is spectacular.

  • The mindfulness not only helps us connect with us and around us, but opens our senses.
  • This allows us to appreciate everything in a different way and to value it when before perhaps we did not pay attention to it. Practicing mindfulness regularly can change your life.

4. Help those who need it

We are not referring only to giving money, but to doing something else, which involves moving:

  • For example, if there is an animal shelter in our city we can go and help out to clean up, be with them …
  • If there is a soup kitchen, offer to help distribute food to those in need.

These are actions that will reveal to us how wonderful it is to live. Actually, we know: generosity and helping others makes us feel useful.

In addition, when we help selflessly, a pleasant sensation runs through our body. You can learn a lot from these actions and meet wonderful people.

To discover how wonderful it is to live, we need to get out of our comfort zone and do what we don’t usually do. There are people who often live this way, because of what it makes them feel and because they know that life is wonderful.

Do you also dare to discover how beautiful life is?

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