3 Carrot Remedies To Deal With Diarrhea

Diarrhea episodes are very common and we have all suffered from them, some more frequently than others. In these cases, it is best to make dietary changes and eat an astringent diet to avoid loss of fluids and nutrients.

Surely, you have heard that carrots have several health benefits. However, what few know is that it also helps treat diarrhea. This versatile vegetable is not only crunchy and tasty, but also highly nutritious, thanks to its beta-carotene, fiber, potassium and antioxidant content.

In addition to this, it is one of the recommended ingredients in astringent diets that are used to prevent fluid loss due to stomach upset. Do you want to know how to consume it? Next, you will discover 3 remedies with this food to deal with diarrhea.

3 carrot remedies for diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of the most frequent intestinal disorders, as pointed out in a publication of the Spanish Journal of Digestive Diseases. This causes very painful colic and a constant need to go to the bathroom, which can affect us a lot if we have to go to work or attend an event.

man complaining of pain in the gut

When these episodes occur, the specialist usually recommends an astringent diet to avoid the loss of fluids and minerals. Basically, what you want is to eat foods that are easily digestible. In this way the body does not need as much energy to process them.

The carrot is one of those foods, since it allows to deal with diarrhea, both in children and in adults, without affecting the stomach. Therefore, below, we detail 3 remedies with this vegetable that will allow us to reduce the discomfort.

1. Raw carrot

If combined with other astringent foods, raw carrot is a good supplement to treat diarrhea. Especially if we have to go to work or be away from home. We can carry a carrot in the bag or in a tupper without any problem. Keep in mind that it is best to bring the carrot peeled and chopped into sticks.

In this way, it will be easier to consume it anywhere and at any time. If we eat out, we can take a small tupper with some salad and raw carrots. Other recommended foods to combat this condition are rice and chicken. Thus, we have several healthy and stomach-friendly lunch and dinner options.

2. Carrot soup

Carrot soup is another option that is beneficial for fighting diarrhea. In addition, it is a hot dish that will suit us very well, given the discomfort caused by this intestinal condition. Let’s see how to prepare it.


  • 8 carrots
  • 2 onions.
  • 3 garlic.
  • 1 liter of broth.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt.
  • Chive.


  • We put a casserole on the fire and add a splash of olive oil.
  • Add the chopped onions and garlic cloves.
  • Let’s not forget to add the diced carrots.
  • We let them cook for 10 minutes before adding the broth.
  • We keep the food on the fire for 20 minutes.
  • After this time, we remove the garlic (if we want) and crush everything.
  • To finish, add the chives and consume the soup very hot.
Carrot remedies help cut diarrhea

3. Carrot juice

If we are in the middle of summer and soup is not one of the carrot remedies that we most want to try, we can choose to make a juice. Also, it can be combined with the first option. Very comfortable in hot weather.


  • 5 carrots
  • 1/2 liter of water.
  • Honey (optional).


  • To make the carrot juice, we just have to have a blender in which the 5 chopped carrots and half a liter of water will be added.
  • If we wish, we can also add a little honey so that the juice has a much sweeter and richer flavor.
  • We can add more of the water that we have established if we want the juice to be more watery. There are people who like it to be thicker. Likewise, you can add a fruit to the juice, such as the apple that contains, like the carrot, astringent properties.

When to see the doctor?

Although these natural remedies with carrots do not have any contraindications for health, if the diarrhea does not improve or has other symptoms, such as very strong abdominal pain or bleeding, see a doctor immediately. It is also important to avoid self-medicating with drugs or other less natural alternatives.

Remember that diarrhea dehydrates. Therefore, in addition to the remedies that we have discussed, it is essential to always have a glass or a thermos with water on hand to keep us hydrated. If this condition lasts more than two or three days, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

Did you know that carrots have astringent properties? Have you ever used it to treat diarrhea? Take these tips into account and do not hesitate to make different preparations with this ingredient. It sure will make you feel so much better.

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