10 Curious Tricks To Make Your Shoes Like New

Shoes are one of the accessories of the daily wardrobe. This is why, to make a good impression, it is important to know the best tricks to clean shoes and leave them as new.

Although sometimes they get dirty with substances that are difficult to remove, today there are many products and tricks that help us to leave them in perfect condition.

However, it is not necessary to acquire go to cleaners to keep them impeccable and fresh. It is enough to have some natural ingredients on hand to help us clean. Do you know them? If you want to extend the useful life of your footwear and avoid bad odors, do not miss the 10 tricks that we collect in the following space.

How to clean shoes

1. Olive oil

We know olive oil for its medicinal and culinary applications. However, it also turns out to be a great ally for cleaning shoes made of materials such as leather.

How to use?

  1. First, apply a few drops of olive oil to the surface of the shoe.
  2. Then rub them with the help of a cloth. As a result you will get a clean and shiny shoe.

2. Banana peel

The white part of the inside of the banana peel has many properties. Among these it is worth mentioning that, on leather surfaces, it serves to remove stains and dirt.

How to use it?

  1. First, take a fresh banana peel and rub it on your leather or leather shoes.
  2. Let it act for a couple of minutes and wipe the remains with a cloth.

3. Toothpaste


The soles of sports shoes, and in general all rubber soles, tend to turn yellowish or brown due to direct contact with dirty floors and surfaces.

Although much of this dirt is removed with soap and water, sometimes we must resort to other additional products to leave them impeccable. In a matter of minutes, and without much effort, the toothpaste will help you whiten them in an amazing way.

How to use it?

  1. First, apply the toothpaste to the dirty shoes.
  2. Then with the help of a brush.
  3. Let it act for 5 minutes and rinse.

4. Bread crumbs

White bread crumbs are an ingredient that acts like an eraser on shoes made of materials such as satin, canvas, and suede.

How to use?

  1. First, roll white bread into a ball and rub it on the stained surfaces of your shoes.
  2. If you have any excess, remove it with a brush.

5. Baking soda


Due to its properties, bicarbonate has been used as a natural detergent. Helps remove grime and eliminates odor-causing bacteria.

How to use?

  1. First, moisten the baking soda with a little water, until you get a thick paste.
  2. Then, rub it on the fabric footwear with the help of a brush and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  3. Rinse and dry in the sun.

6. Nail file

Do you have matte shoes with stains? If so, a simple nail file can become the best ally to leave them clean and scratch-free.

How to use?

  • Simply rub the file over the dry stain or scratch to polish the surface.

7. Vaseline


Incredibly, petroleum jelly can be used to keep patent leather shoes shiny and free from dust spots.

How to use it?

  • Rub a good amount of petroleum jelly on the surface of the shoes and polish it with the help of a soft cloth.

8. Corn flour

Using cornmeal on shoes is a quick trick to prevent stubborn stains from greasy compounds. If you’ve just had an oil spill on your footwear, apply it right away.

How to use it?

  1. First, pour the cornmeal over the stain and let it sit for 30 minutes to absorb the fat.
  2. After this time, shake and brush the residue to leave the shoes as new.

9. Orange

With half an orange we can clean leather shoes and boots that are losing their shine due to dirt.

How to use it?

  1. Cut the orange in half and rub it on the shoes so that it releases the juice.
  2. Let it dry for a couple of hours and finish with a polish with a cloth or shoe brush.

10. Potato

The juice released by the potato is used to remove the stains that form on leather shoes. The application of the juice leaves the surface shiny, as if they had just left the store.

How to use?

  1. Cut a potato slice and apply it on the footwear.
  2. Then, before the juice dries, rub it in with a soft cloth.

Do you dare to try these tricks to clean shoes at home? Now that you know how to keep your footwear impeccable, don’t hesitate to put these tips into practice. It is important to remember that each trick works with a specific type of shoe, so you must be attentive to the material of the same.

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